how to download play store in mobile

how to download play store in mobile

The Google Play Store is the store for Android phones where you can download apps and games, or buy and rent digital movies and books. The platform receives frequent updates, but it may take longer for older phones to release them.

Also, not every Android device necessarily comes with an App Store. Google Factory established. It is also possible that, for some reason, the app has been disabled on your device, and therefore it is no longer visible.

In the broader scenario, you may have turned off the option of using the Store on a Google account with your own domain and want to go back. Regardless of whether any of the mentioned matters are yours, know that all of them can be resolved quickly and practically. So, see below how to download Play Store on mobile!

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how to download play store in mobile

If you want to download the latest version of the platform, first check which version is installed on your mobile. To do this, open the Store and tap on the icon with your picture and select “Settings” in the window that opens. Expand the “About” section and check the version.

To see your version, go to the “Settings” tab of Play Sotre (Screenshot: Matheus Bigogno)

After knowing which version, you can confirm that you will download a more current APK.

Phase 1: Through a web browser, access the Google Play Store APK download page apkmirror. Locate the most current version of the Store and tap the “Down Arrow” icon.

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Go to APKMirror, find the latest version and tap “Download” (Screenshot: Matthias Bigogno)

Phase 2: On the next page, click on “View Available Downloads” to see how many download options are available.

Click “View Available Downloads” to continue (Screenshot: Matthias Bigogno)

step 3: Tap on the “Down Arrow” icon again in the latest version of the APK.

Locate the latest version of the APK and tap “Download” (Screenshot: Matthias Bigogno)

step 4: Click “Download APK” and wait for the file to download. Once it is done, open it to be able to install it.

Click “Download APK” and open it to install it (Screenshot: Matthias Bigogno)

Step 5: Allow apps to be installed from other sources, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge or other browsers, if necessary.

Let your browser install unknown apps (Screenshot: Matthias Bigogno)

Step 6: Wait for the Play Store to be installed and, if necessary, a pop-up will appear asking for confirmation of installing the update. Tap “Install” and use the Store as usual.

Click “Install” to install the Play Store update (Screenshot: Matthias Bigogno)

How to Reactivate Play Store on Mobile

Although it is not possible to uninstall the Play Store, it is possible to disable it, so that it is invisible on a mobile phone – and it is not rare that this happens without a person. If that’s your case, see how to reactivate it below.

Phase 1Android: Go to “Settings”, tap “Apps & Notifications” and click “See All Apps” to open the full list. Once it is done, find and open “Google Play Store”.

Go to your phone’s list of apps and open “Google Play Store” (Screenshot: Matthias Bigogno)

Phase 2: Click “Activate” to reactivate the store on your mobile.

Tap “Activate” to reactivate the store on your mobile (Screenshot: Matthias Bigogno)

For more information on recovering a missing Play Store, check out our tutorial:

How to Allow Access to the Play Store in Organizations

If you are an organization administrator and manage Google accounts through the Admin Console and have disabled Play Store access, be aware that you can enable it again.

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Phase 1reach to admin console, click on “Apps” in the left menu and select “Additional Google services”.

Go to the admin console, click “Apps” and select “Additional Google Services” (Screenshot: Matthias Bigogno)

Phase 2: Locate the Google Play Store in the list, click the “three dots”, select “Activate for all” and click “Activate” in the pop-up that opens. This way, everyone in the organization will be able to access the Android Store.

Detect Google Play and enable for all users (Screenshot: Matthias Bigogno)

ready! You can now download, update, reactivate or allow organization accounts to access the Play Store.

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About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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