How to save a web page as a PDF in a standard format and without advertisements for later reference

How to save a web page as a PDF in a standard format and without advertisements for later reference

One of the characteristics that define a network is its continuous change. Thanks to this change, new material constantly appears that we can read and consult, but in the same way, another disappears. Fortunately We can save the content that interests us most on our device To be able to consult it whenever we want, let’s see how to do it.

Offline download is not the same as favorite

First a little clarification. When we save a bookmark for a specific website, the one we are saving is the URL of the resource. it means that, If the content changes or disappears, we are left with nothing but an address. Given this, if we want to ensure the availability of a certain text, article, etc., it is best that we save it PDF.

There are many ways to achieve this result, but we will see that, For a way of cleaning and presenting information, Is one of the most appropriate. We will proceed with this using Safari, steps are as follows:

  1. We opened Safari On our Mac.
  2. We go to the web page that we are interested in saving.
  3. In the expression list Display We touch Show reader Or we press Command (⌘) + Shift (+) + R.
  4. In the expression list Archive we choose The print Or press command (press) + p.
  5. In selector PDF, we choose Save as pdf.
  6. We fill the name and space and touch to keep.

we can also Achieve similar goals on iPhone and iPad. The steps in this case are as follows:

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  1. We opened Safari On our iPhone or iPad.
  2. We go to the web page that we are interested in saving.
  3. We touch “AA” in the upper right, next to the address bar.
  4. we choose Show reader view.
  5. We touch the share button (square with the up arrow).
  6. we choose The print.
  7. As we zoom into a photo we extend the preview of the lower part by separating two fingers.
  8. We touch the share button again (square with the up arrow).
  9. we choose Save files.
  10. We choose the name and location and we touch to keep.

And all. With this system we PDF document With all Web page content saved in our documents. A PDF that will never disappear or be replaced even if the original change occurred.

In this era, where information changes and develops at breakneck speed, being able to reserve a piece of it for future reference is an excellent idea. And if we can do it with the elegance and good presentation that this system offers us, better than better.

About the author: Seth Grace

"Social media trailblazer. Music junkie. Evil student. Introvert. Typical beer fan. Extreme web ninja. Tv fanatic. Total travel evangelist. Zombie guru."

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