In comparison to the United States and five countries, Brazil has more Kovid-19 deaths in 24 hours.

In comparison to the United States and five countries, Brazil has more Kovid-19 deaths in 24 hours.

According to Health Ministry data, a total of 345,025 deaths and 13,279,857 disease cases were confirmed in the country.

Hey Ministry of Health On Thursday, 8, a balance sheet with the Kovid-19 epidemic number was released in Brazil, according to data from the state health departments. There are 345,025 deaths and 13,279,857 confirmed cases of the disease in the country.

The updated balance sheet at 7 pm shows that 86,652 reactive tests were registered for 4,249 victims and coronovirus over a period of one day. This is the new death record in one day, the second in three days, which was even above the 4 thousand mark.

According to platform data People of the world, Which compiles worldwide epidemic records following official sources, has similar confirmed deaths within six hours in approximately 24 countries in Brazil: Poland (954), United States (951), India (802) , Mexico (596), Italy 487), and Ukraine (464).

The moving average in the last week is 2,820. The average number of cases is 62,859.

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About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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