India becomes the third country to eliminate 300,000 deaths from Kovid. world

India becomes the third country to eliminate 300,000 deaths from Kovid.  world

a India It became Monday (24) The third country to cross 300 thousand deaths by Kovid-19, after United States and Brazil, In the midst of an aggressive second wave of pandemics.

There were 4,454 deaths in the last 24 hours, according to data from the Indian Ministry of Health, the second-highest number recorded by the country in a pandemic (a world record was recorded on Tuesday).

The country has recorded more than 57,000 deaths from Kovid-19 in the last two weeks, bringing the total number of victims to over 303,000. You America There have been 589 thousand deaths and Brazil, 449 thousand.

The main cause of the Indian tragedy is the complacency of the government, which refused to adopt the national lockout, issued political rallies and religious celebrations and allowed a new version, B.1.617, If it spread across India And for all continents (Look below).

Explosion of cases and deaths by Kovid-19 in India: Understand in 5 points

a India 222 thousand new cases were also registered, the lowest daily level since April 15, But the second wave of Kovid-19 has been wreaking havoc in the crowded hospitals and crematoria ghats in the country for nearly two months, unable to accommodate the volume of dead bodies.

Despite astronomical figures, there are strong signs of under-reporting in the country – especially deaths.. Experts believe that the actual number may be five to ten times greater.

Vijay Raju’s family members, who died from Kovid-19, weep before his cremation on May 13 in Giddanahalli village on the outskirts of Bengaluru, India – Photo: Samuel Rajkumar / Reuters

Government’s decency is the main reason for India’s tragedy, Which came to speak of the “final phase of the epidemic” in March, when the country had fewer than 10,000 infected and 100 deaths per day.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government has refused to adopt a national lockout, unlike in 2020 (when the first wave was successfully controlled), and has also released electoral rallies and religious celebrations when matters have already escalated. Are engaged

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VIDEO: ‘Graveyard’ becomes Ganges River, buried with floating bodies or buried on the shore

In the midst of overcrowding, disregard of distance measures and not using masks, new forms of coronavirus gave fertile ground.

A new strain of coronavirus, B.1.617, Was discovered in October 2020 and took months to spread India, But according to the World Health Organization (WHO), it has now been found in dozens of countries across all continents.

The WHO has classified the type Covid B.1.617 to be transmitted in India, as a type of global concern.

The WHO has classified the type Covid B.1.617 to be transmitted in India, as a type of global concern.

A type indiana B.1.617 There are three versions with minor differences (B.1.617.1, B.1.617.2 I B.1.617.3), Discovered between October and December 2020.

All three have important mutations in their genes that encode the spike., The protein that is on the surface of the virus and is responsible for attaching to the receptors of human cells and initiating infection.

Among the changes, one stands out: the E484Q has some similarities with the E484K, a change that has been found in the other three forms of global concern. They are: B.1.1.4 (United Kingdom), to B.1.351 (South Africa) and P.1 (Brazil, initially found in Manaus).

So far, scientists have not yet established about the Indian version:

  • Its actual transmission speed and how much it is permeable
  • If the variant is related to more severe COVID-19 conditions that require hospitalization and intubation
  • To what extent do genetic changes interfere with the effectiveness of previously available vaccines?

VIDEO: know about new Indian variants, confirmed in Brazil

VIDEO: know about new Indian variants, confirmed in Brazil

Signs of greater communicability

analysis analysis WHO says that there are many reasons for the worsening epidemic in India, “Including the proportion of cases caused by types with greater communicability”.

But the report also points to other key ingredients for the nation’s health crisis, such as “groups related to religious and political events and lack of adherence to preventive public and social health measures”, such as wearing masks and detachments.

Within a month, the relative share of Indian strain increased from 1% to 9% of all genetically sequenced cases in Britain. In some areas, such as Bolton, Blackburn, Bedford and Sefton, B.1.617 It represents most of the cases already analyzed and has already become effective.

Video: Latest International News

About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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