Italy extends restrictive measures for travelers to Brazil – poca Negócios

Italy extends restrictive measures for travelers to Brazil – poca Negócios

Anti-Covid vaccination queues at Fiumicino airport (Photo: Ansa)

The Italian government on Thursday (29) decided to extend restrictive measures to travelers who have passed through Brazil, Bangladesh, India or Sri Lanka.

After the signing of the decree, the decision was announced by Italian Health Minister Roberto Speranza in a publication on Facebook.

The measure also confirms that visitors from almost all other countries outside the EU will have to observe a 10-day quarantine, except for those from countries on the EU-recommended list, for which the quarantine has been reduced to five days .

In addition, “mini-quarantine” must also be carried out by travelers to the United Kingdom, whose health certificates of vaccination or treatment against COVID can be used in Italian territory. The decision is in line with one announced by Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s government, which would allow the entry of citizens of both the European Union and the United States until the vaccination cycle is complete.

People from the European Union, the Schengen Area, the United States, Canada and Japan may enter Italy without the need for quarantine, upon presentation of a certificate of vaccination against COVID, a cure for the disease, or testing negative.

With respect to Brazil, Italy prohibits the entry of people who have passed through the country in the 14 days prior to arrival.

The only exceptions are: people with fixed residency in Italy; Persons whose spouses or minor children reside in Italy; and subject to the condition of “unstable need”, expressly authorized by the Ministry of Health.

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The Italian government has been on alert for a few days due to the increase in cases of the new coronavirus. The epidemiological situation also caused Italy to declare that it required a certificate of vaccination, cure or test negative for access to various activities such as public swimming pools, gyms, fairs, congresses, shows and covered areas of bars and restaurants. Will be To date, the pandemic has caused over 4.3 million infections and 128,029 deaths in the country.

ERRATUM: The text initially misinformed that travelers from the European Union must isolate for five days when entering Italy. However, tourists from the block are exempted from quarantine on production of a certificate of vaccination, treatment or testing negative. The information has already been corrected. (ANSA).

About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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