Itapirim: Charges between founders and purchasers mark judicial recovery – economy

Itapirim: Charges between founders and purchasers mark judicial recovery – economy

The social imbroglio associated with Vivo Itapirim, the interstate passenger transport giant in judicial recovery since 2016, has been overcome by allegations between the founder of the Kola family, and the businessman Sidenei Piva de Jesus, the group’s new owner. In addition to trying to revoke the formalities of the sale, since October last year, Camilo Cola and Camilo Cola Philo have filed a series of representations against the buyer for ideological lies. They suggest the existence of at least four different CPFs associated with Piva – one of them by the name of Sidini Dutera Paiva.

Documents collected indicate that holders of registration will have partnerships with the same person, will be defended by the same lawyers in different cases and opened to registered companies at the same address. The defense even went so far as to advise the federal police, the Federal Revenue Service and the United States CPF holders to submit information.

In October, Piva testified at 2 Baruari Police Station (Grande So Paulo) and denied the charges. The new chairman of the Itapemirim group attributed the existence of two other CPF numbers associated with his name to the “material error” by the post office, responsible for the release of the documents. Still in the report, the businessman stated that the IRS opened an administrative process and canceled the registration.

The defendants responded to the allegations and filed two judicial requests: one to close the investigation that examined him for ideological lies and the other to condemn him against Cola. Peeva’s lawyer, Jose Carlos Ricardo, categorized the allegations as “confusion and conjecture beliefs”, with the representations as “completely baseless” and attributing the movement as an attempt to “revenge” and “harassment”.

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“Camilo Cola and Camilo Cola Filho once again used the administrative and judicial machine, to slander, slander and avenge it, to take revenge on Siddany Pai de Jesus, giving him the social shares of the Itapirim group legally Threatened to gain. Rescue in file says. Asked for the report, the lawyer said that the investigation for the ideological lies runs into the mystery of justice, but that the police authority has already submitted the final report to the process. By closing. The decision on possible condemnation for ideological untrue rests with So Paulo’s public ministry.

One of the most traditional bus companies in the country, with 292 interstate lines, Itapamirim was on the verge of bankruptcy when it was acquired by Paiva. During the judicial reorganization of the road, he was also dismissed on suspicion of embezzlement of money from creditors to cover the expenses of other companies. Judge Paulino Jose Lurno, holder of the 13th Civil Business Court for judicial recovery in Espirito Santo and bankruptcy of Victory, was punished with mandatory retirement, the judiciary’s maximum administrative penalty on suspicion of lack of waiver in the operation of the process.

Piva has ambitious plans for the group: He has already shown interest in airport concessions and is preparing to start an airline despite the crisis affecting the region during an epidemic in 2021. The businessmen, who have experience in reducing tax credits, accuse the Kola family of trying to bankrupt Itapamirim and transfer the transfer of failure to the buyer. In his testimony, he said that an internal audit found documents of remittances abroad and evidence of embezzlement, money laundering and theft of foreign currency. The report, the defense said, is that CL’s custodians have been “manipulated by inconsistent heirs”.

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The citadel

Along with Manzil, lawyer Jose Carlos Ricardo, who defends Sidney Peeva.

“The police investigation is conducted in the mystery of justice, reiterating that the police authority has already justified the final report as well as meeting the judicial quota. It is necessary to shut down the administrative process as it will be implemented, even That according to it. Public Ministry, as it considers the humble public defender and believes that no one can be prosecuted for an unusual fact, and this is the case. For this reason, false communication / abusive crime. The indictment for defamation on the faces of the victims Camilo Cola and Camilo Cola Filho We believe in terrestrial and divine justice. Well, we are sorry that this great businessman Camilo has created a cone of terrestrial dynamics and the area we revere. Will be manipulated by inconsistent people who do not measure the consequences of his actions, mainly, in the misuse of the judicial machine in search of an impossible fact, embodied in an unrealistic dream. “

Along with Manzil, lawyer Leandro Falavigna, who defends the Kola family

“The family investigated the facts and gave the result of these investigations and the evidence of the crime to the competent authorities. In light of this, a police investigation was started for the purpose of investigating the case. We cannot comment on the inquiry Nor can it be reported. On the other hand, there was never any leakage of foreign exchange from the family. Such facts are already being clarified with the competent authorities.

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About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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