Jeff Bezos will fly into space on Blue Origin’s first manned launch

Jeff Bezos will fly into space on Blue Origin’s first manned launch

Illustration for the article Jeff Bezos will fly into space on Blue Origin's first manned launch

Photo: blue original

Amazon and Blue Origin founder and world’s richest man Jeff Bezos will fly with his brother and winner Auction announced in May In the first manned launch of a New Shepard rocket on July 20.

Bezos explained in himself Instagram Profile that he has dreamed of traveling to space “since he was five years old.” Now he’s ready to “go on that adventure with his best friend” to his brother, firefighter Mark Bezos.

New Shepard’s suborbital flight will last 10 minutes. The First Steps capsule carries four crew members, but it is unknown whether there will be anyone other than Bezos, his brother and the winner of the Blue Origin auction. Auction is still open and highest bid For now it’s $2.8 million.

The rocket will fly until it exceeds the speed of sound. Within three minutes, the First Steps capsule will detach from the thruster and space tourists will be able to unfasten their seat belts to reach the windows and experience the sensation of weightlessness. Four minutes after takeoff, New Shepard will land vertically Without capsule on the platform 3.2 km from the launch tower.

The capsule will reach its peak once it passes the Karmann Line, the boundary between Earth’s atmosphere and outer space. Then it would begin to descend and the crew would feel the effects of gravity again. Nine minutes after takeoff, the parachutes would be deployed and the capsule would reduce its speed to 26 km/h.

la capsula first step It will land in the desert of West Texas at a speed of 1.6 km / h. Blue Origin employees will arrive in the area by off-road vehicles Pick up the crew after checking that everything is going well.

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About the author: Seth Grace

"Social media trailblazer. Music junkie. Evil student. Introvert. Typical beer fan. Extreme web ninja. Tv fanatic. Total travel evangelist. Zombie guru."

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