JoinVilence Ranked In US Billionaire Entrepreneurship Program

JoinVilence Ranked In US Billionaire Entrepreneurship Program

Joinville entrepreneur Alan Malone, CEO of Joinville’s Startup Viralize, will participate in the Draper University Hero Training, a five-week entrepreneurship program from May 23 to June 27. The event will take place in Silicon Valley, California (USA). Draper University is an accelerator founded by billionaire Timothy Draper, a venture capitalist with investments in Hotmail, Skype, Twitter, Tesla, SpaceX.

The event will be held on the school’s San Mateo campus. This offer is for those selected to develop the startup skills required to achieve successful entrepreneurship. In past events, other investors such as Tesla’s Elon Musk, SpaceX and Twitter; Aaron Levy of the Box; And Tony Hsieh, former CEO of Zappos, spoke to the attendees.

Alan Mellon says he feels a lot of responsibility about being selected to participate in the program. “I feel great joy with these achievements, but at the same time, more responsibility to everyone who has trusted our project. It makes me swell, but that adrenaline is what drives us forward as entrepreneurs” , they say.

Allen will join the program’s more than 1,000 alumni who have launched their own startup and raised more than $900 million in venture investments. The participants will also interact with other entrepreneurs. Some of the guests sold their companies for millions and made it to the Forbes Under 30 list.

“This program will prove to be a milestone in my path and will make a unique contribution towards achieving Virlaise’s next goals. We intend to grow rapidly in the coming years”, projects JoinVilence.

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Allen was first selected to participate in an entrepreneurship program at Draper University called the Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship Program, and later received an invitation to participate in Timothy Draper’s Acceleration Program.

“In the application, I stated my business idea and how it could impact the world. In other words, I talked about Viralize and how we are applying technology to reduce the mortality rate of micro and small Brazilian companies”, he recalls.

Less than a month later, the entrepreneur received a letter with the news that he had been selected to participate in the program of the American billionaire. He was one of 80 entrepreneurs selected from thousands of candidates from around the world.

“I have always been passionate about innovative and purposeful businesses. I envisioned Wirelize to solve the problem of small businesses that could not survive their early years due to lack of capital needed for a digital presence. Knowing that this idea is winning over large international investors makes us very excited”, he concluded.

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About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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