The value of Pokémon cards has skyrocketed in 2021, where it has become practically impossible to find cards or packs for sale in regular stores. There was also a run on cards offered by McDonald’s at Happy Meals.
One of the most famous collectors of these letters is youtuber Logan Paul. Not long ago, Logan Paul bragged about spending $3.5 million on what he believed to be an unopened box of first-edition Pokémon cards. This has become the highest value transaction ever with a Pokémon card, but unfortunately for the YouTuber, the cards are fake.
Fans who picked up the card already suspected that the box was fake. Now, the suspicions have been confirmed in a video published by Logan Paul. The video documents the entire process, from the time Logan Paul purchased the cards to open the cards in the presence of a BBC (Baseball Card Exchange) representative, who certified the packaging as authentic.
What Logan Paul found inside the package were GI Joe cards, instead of the first edition Pokémon cards. It remains to be seen whether there will be any sort of refund from the baseball card exchange (for incorrect authentication) and/or the person selling the card pack to you.