Micron shakes up sporting events, and will be swiftly excluded without vaccination – 12/31/2021 – Marina Izidro

Micron shakes up sporting events, and will be swiftly excluded without vaccination – 12/31/2021 – Marina Izidro

If someone tells you that they know for sure what the world will be like in 2022, whether it is too optimistic or too pessimistic, be skeptical. The pandemic has taught us that we have no control over anything, and while booster doses of the coronavirus vaccine reach many people around the world and we think our lives will finally return to normal, a new version shows us the hard reality. Is. You can’t imagine what the new year will be like. The game follows the same path. But we can, yes, have a view.

The start of 2022 should not be an easy one. In Europe, discussions are still vigorous about the suspension of matches and championships without the public. Two weeks ago, I mentioned in my column how the UK is reporting over 100,000 cases a day. Now this number is close to 200 thousand and Omicron dominates the country. The Premier League continues with postponed matches and Covid-19 spurts across clubs – Aston Villa’s Steven Gerrard, Crystal Palace’s Patrick Vieira, and Arsenal’s Mikel Arteta are among the coaches who have recently tested positive.

Vaccination passports have become mandatory for fans in England. In a debate over ways to tackle the virus, Manchester City coach, Pep Guardiola defended the use of masks in any public place in the country – never mandatory outside. Wales was tough and all sporting events were being played with the gates closed.

One thing is certain: the unchallenged, athletes or spectators will be increasingly excluded from the game. Proof of vaccination will be required for the Australian Tennis Open starting in January. And the Beijing Winter Olympics, starting February 4, will be one of the most restricted in history.

Those who are not vaccinated with the two-dose vaccine will face a 21-day quarantine upon entry into China and even those who have already received it will be tested daily. Everyone will be in a bubble with limited movement. Foreign visitors are prohibited. Local people will be able to clap without shouting so that droplets of saliva do not spread.

But the year has an exciting side. It will be busy for the Olympic Games in a short cycle of preparation for the 2024 Paris Games. Major world championships are confirmed, such as athletics in the United States, men’s volleyball in Russia and women’s volleyball in Poland and Holland, and artistic gymnastics in Liverpool, England.

Well, the UK dreams big. In 2022, it will host the British Commonwealth Games, the Women’s European Cup as well as traditional tournaments such as Wimbledon tennis. A possible joint bid with Ireland to host the 2030 World Cup or the European Cup in 2028 or 2032 is expected to be announced. Good for sports and economy. A recent study predicts that hosting major sporting events could generate the equivalent of R$28 billion for the British in trade, investment and “soft power” in the coming years – something in the post-Brexit period. extremely important.

Will the nightmare end by 2024? The organizers of Paris 2024 are hopeful. They promise the Olympics with the masses, a party without restrictions. But he announced that he has a Plan B if the pandemic is still with us. Optimism coupled with caution appears to be the recipe for the year ahead. May it be 2022 with sports and health for all.

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About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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