Municipality issued a new schedule of booster dose. Find out who can be immunized – Rio de Janeiro City Hall

Municipality issued a new schedule of booster dose.  Find out who can be immunized – Rio de Janeiro City Hall
Vaccination against COVID-19 – Fabio Motta/Rio City Hall

According to the calendar published below, the Municipal Health Department has announced that elderly people will continue to receive a booster dose against COVID-19 next week. Professionals and healthcare workers who take the second dose in February can be vaccinated starting the 13th with a valid professional card or last three paychecks.

On this Saturday (10/09), immunization against COVID-19 will be given to all people aged 12 years and above and senior citizens aged 71 years or above, health workers and health professionals aged 60 years or above, high degree Booster doses will be aimed at people with Immunosuppression 12 years of age or older and people 60 years of age or older who took a second dose by March 31 in the city of Rio.

People 12 years of age or older with a high level of immunosuppression can also take their booster dose and must submit proof of vaccination, identification and digital medical report from Cremerge that has lasted less than 60 days.

The minimum interval between a second dose or a single dose and a booster dose is three months for the elderly and 28 days for those with high levels of immunosuppression.

Municipal health centres, family clinics and psychosocial care centers will not open on 10/12. People with a second dose scheduled for that day should be vaccinated on October 11 or 13.

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    About the author: Raven Weber

    Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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