NASA reveals national newspaper about probe landing on Mars

NASA reveals national newspaper about probe landing on Mars

This week, the US Space Agency released details of what may be the most complex trip by a robotic spacecraft to Mars. Scientists say that landing on the red planet would be a seven-minute panic.

“Namaste, namaste, resident of Mars. Here the speaker belongs to the earth ”. We just want to warn you that, well, we did another investigation towards Mars. In fact, it was the American Space Agency. The investigation is underway. She left in July, and on February 18, 2021, she would appear in the sky around.

This week, NASA also released a video showing how this triumphant arrival would take place. As NASA scientists say, it will be seven minutes of tension or panic. It is just that man likes to control everything. But this time it will not work.

Mangal is 209 million kilometers away from here. The remote control will not work for this complex sequence of maneuvers. Robots have to do everything themselves. Nothing serious. It’s just that this robot is worth $ 2.7 billion.

Well, when the tenacity check, which is the English word for “persistence”, is 100 kilometers from Mars, it will take about seven minutes to slow down from thousands of kilometers per hour to just one meter per second. When the capsule enters the atmosphere of Mars, it will become very hot, up to a thousand degrees Celsius. Then, she will activate a parachute, and when the most delicate moments begin.

When all goes well, this robotic car will dig a pit where scientists believe there was a lake to collect samples of earth, sand, stones, and gravel. Another mission in partnership with the European Space Agency will bring everything here.

We want to find biological scars. Just to make sure that we are not, in fact, alone in the universe. And that was life billions of years ago.

NASA astronomer Daniel Nunes worked on the development of the persistence project.

“We don’t know how life originated here on Earth, so how does Mars preserve these geological layers of billions of years, which is much more difficult here on Earth, because of all the tectonic and climatic processes, Mars actually There is a lot of possibility for people to go back in time and find out how life on earth arises.

The capsule has traveled more than 150 million kilometers towards Mars. And, on a special day like this Thursday (24) on Earth, look at everything we find out: Perseverance travels to space at a speed of 20,000 kilometers per hour. But Santa’s sleep is even faster: In Dyer Heights, Brooklyn, the good old have arrived.

About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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