New social media trend: Clubhouse should also come for Android

New social media trend: Clubhouse should also come for Android

New social media trend
Clubhouse should also come for Android

So far, it is only available for iPhones, but the huge popularity makes the creators of social media applications the clubhouse want more: they are announcing an Android version. However, there is a controversial mechanism behind the rapid development.

The new social media app Clubhouse will also be able to run on smartphones with Google Android operating systems in the future. Both the company’s founders, Paul Davison and Rohan Seth, announced this in a blog entry on Sunday. Until now, the audio application is only available for the iPhone. When the clubhouse is also available in the Google Play Store, the clubhouse creators do not announce.

Clubhouse is an audio app in which users can listen to conversations or participate actively in discussions, like live podcasts. Unlike networks such as Twitter, you cannot comment on writing or assigning “likes” to posts. Davison and Seth wrote that with the clubhouse they struck a nerve to meet people.

“And it has grown rapidly over the last ten months – to a diverse and networked community of a small handful of beta testers.” In the past week, “two million people around the world have visited the clubhouse to exchange ideas, learn, laugh, entertain, meet and network.” “It’s the most exciting thing we’ve ever been a part of.”

Controversial method of dissemination

With two million active users, the clubhouse is significantly smaller than Twitter, with around 330 million active users. The programming of the Android version is still at the very beginning: they “will soon start working on Android apps and add more functions for accessibility and localization so that people around the world can experience the clubhouse in a way that feels familiar to them Ho, “the company’s founders wrote.

Meanwhile, they will take care of getting technical issues with the server under control due to the large number of users. “The majority of a new round of funding will go to technology and infrastructure to enhance the clubhouse experience for everyone, so it is always fast and reliable, no matter how many people are participating.”

For viral distribution, the clubhouse relies on a controversial method that was already the basis for the rapid development of WhatsApp. After installing the app and activating the invitation, the app requests access to all entries in the used iPhone’s contact address book. The practice was heavily criticized by data protectionists in Europe on WhatsApp, as users have to ask permission from each individual contact before they can actually move to personal data servers in the USA.

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About the author: Seth Grace

"Social media trailblazer. Music junkie. Evil student. Introvert. Typical beer fan. Extreme web ninja. Tv fanatic. Total travel evangelist. Zombie guru."

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