North Korea accuses US of being ‘root of Ukrainian crisis’

North Korea accuses US of being ‘root of Ukrainian crisis’

North Korea has accused the United States of being “the root cause of the Ukrainian crisis” in the first official response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Washington followed “A policy of military supremacy, in defiance of Russia’s legitimate demand for its own security”, A message published on Saturday on the website of North Korea’s foreign ministry can be read, signed by a researcher from the Society for the Study of International Policy.

“The root cause of the Ukrainian crisis also lies in the authoritarianism and arbitrariness of the United States,” he said.

criticizes the same note The United States of America for having “double standards” in relation to the rest of the world. blame the america Interfering in the internal affairs of other countries in the name of “peace and stability”, While “unreasonably condemning the self-defense measures taken by” [esses] countries to ensure their national security”.

“The days when the United States ruled are over,” he concluded.

Nevertheless, the message posted on the website of North Korea’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs was read as a . is understood as Pyongyang’s official “prudent” response because it was published under a personal name, Park Won-gon said, Professor of North Korean Studies at Iwa University in Seoul, South Korea.

Russia launched a military offensive in Ukraine early Thursday with the ground forces and bombing targets in several cities, which have already provoked According to Kiev, at least 198 were killed, including civilians, and more than 1,100 were injured in Ukrainian territory. The United Nations reported 150,000 displaced people in Poland, Hungary, Moldova and Romania.

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Russian President Vladimir Putin, Said that the “special military operation” in Ukraine is aimed at civilianizing the neighboring country and is the only way for Russia to defend itself, Specifying to the Kremlin that the offensive would last as long as necessary.

hey The attack was generally condemned by the international community and prompted emergency meetings of several governments, including the Portuguese. And the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the European Union and the United Nations Security Council approved massive sanctions against Russia.

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About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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