On his way to Tokyo, Renato Rezende prepares for the third Olympiad and seeks unprecedented gold in BMX

On his way to Tokyo, Renato Rezende prepares for the third Olympiad and seeks unprecedented gold in BMX

Cyclist Renato Rezende is another golden hope in Tokyo. Already experienced, the BMX athlete goes to his third Olympiad and hopes to eventually become the champion of the sport. For the unprecedented title, Carioca endures a preparatory period in the United States and is revealed to have Diego Hippolyto as a reference at the Olympic Games.

The BMX method entered the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. Nevertheless, Renato Rezende only made history in London in 2012, when he became the first Brazilian in history to compete in an international competition at the age of 21.

At the age of 30, Renato Rezende has accumulated experience and stamped his participation in the 2016 Olympics, in addition to the Pan American Games in 2014, 2015 and 2019. Nine years after his debut, the Brazilian still dreams of gold.

“This is my third Olympiad, in the other two, unfortunately, I could not go as far as I wanted in the final … For Japan, my inspiration is Diego Hippolyto – in one Olympiad he fell on his face, in the other In his back, and in the third, he landed on his feet with a medal in his hand. He is my inspiration and I hope this time I don’t fall and come home with a medal,” he remarked.

“Today I feel more experienced in these big events, I am preparing very well and I believe it can happen. I believe the biggest challenge is the track, it is long and a bit big But I’m preparing a lot I hope to win this challenge”, concluded Renato.

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Brazilian train in the United States, in North Carolina. At the start of the pandemic, Renato returned to Brazil and built a BMX track at his home to keep training up to date. Abroad, Carioca went through intense activities with an eye on the Tokyo Games, mixing professional and personal life.

“My wife, who is 6 months pregnant, is also coming to live with me in the US for the last days of preparation. I think it would be great for me. I have a very complete structure here and it makes me feel better.” Feels great. Happy to be in Japan on July 21st and I’ll be there the next day,” concluded Renato Regende.

About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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