Palmyras holds FIFA quality certification for Football Academy’s synthetic lawn-sports

Palmyras holds FIFA quality certification for Football Academy’s synthetic lawn-sports

Date palm tree Certificate of excellence received this Friday Fifa For the synthetic pitch of the Football Academy. A United States laboratory that has authorization from the highest football body to evaluate artificial flooring spent the afternoon at the club’s training center to conduct the necessary tests. After working more than four hours, the area was cleared.

The support makes Pulmiras the only team in South America to have synthetic lawns for FIFA-certified training. The floor was installed shortly after planting a similar artificial grass last year Allianz Park. However, due to the onset of the new coronovirus epidemic, it was not possible for the Football Academy to obtain a quality certificate. Only American and European laboratories are authorized by FIFA to do this work.

“It is unheard of for a whistle to have an area that is an exact mirror of the stadium. Now it has the FIFA seal. Our work is as good as it is, nothing like official certification can come to Brazil and confirm all Can. ” About this, “explained President of Football Grass, Alessandro Oliveira. The company was responsible for setting up lawns in the stadium and in CT.

While this is not mandatory, the discovery of FIFA certification for CT Lawn was provided for the contract entered into between the company and Pulmiras. Football Grass was in charge of contact with the American company and even took care of the transportation and accommodation of professionals from the United States who arrived in Sao Paulo. on Thursday, Laboratory at Allianz Parke remodels quality testing.

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In the area, it is necessary to confirm the lawn condition once a year. The South American Football Confederation (CONAMBOL) requires the presentation of a venue trial to host the Copa Libertadores matches. As of 2020, the arena was released. “I see that the lawns of the stadium and the whistle are very similar at the same level and quality. If there is any percentage variation between the two, it is a maximum of 5%.”

To obtain approval, laboratory staff bring a series of equipment to reproduce the playing conditions on the lawn. The tool rotates boot latching, ball bounce and whether the floor is properly level. There are still evaluations on the drainage and friction of the ball with grass fibers. In some cases, the test may take up to seven hours.

About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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