Pastor and two Christians arrested for distributing Bibles in India

Pastor and two Christians arrested for distributing Bibles in India

News / Christian Turn

Pastor and two Christians arrested for distributing Bibles in India

Marcella Bastos

Christians are persecuted by Hindu nationalists. Photo: Internet

In India, a priest and two other Christians were arrested for distributing Bibles. He was detained by the police after Hindu nationalists accused him of forcibly converting people. In defense of himself and his sheep, the Reverend Charlie John said: “I have only offered the Bible, and given it to those who freely accept the gospel. If someone refused, I did not insist. We do not convert anyone; I am even ready to give the Bible to the police, which is the word of God. What we do is tell people about Jesus.”

The President of the Global Council of Indian Christians condemned and condemned the arrest of the clergy and Christians: “The Religious Freedom Act of the State of Himachal Pradesh, is used as a tool to persecute innocent Christians. Article 25 of the Indian Constitution Guarantees freedom of religion and Pastor Charlie has not broken any laws. Persecution of minority Christians in secular India must stop.”

About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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