Perseids: Best Meteor Shower of the Year ES . will appear in

Perseids: Best Meteor Shower of the Year ES .  will appear in
The rise of the Perseids is expected on August 11 and 12. credit: Malcolm Park |

the month of august is full of celestial events And one of them is the biggest and most anticipated meteor shower of the year: the Perseids. The event was first named after the detection of rain in the constellation Perseus region. Astronomy Correspondent climatempo institute, Marcos Calil, who gave an interview to The Report a gazette, explains that at present no rain is found in this constellation: it is on the border between Perseus and Cassiopeia. Expert tips on how to observe this phenomenon Holy Soul.

According to Kailil, it is essential that observers seek places without visible pollution. “The rain will be on the north side of the sky. People need to look to the north horizon and raise their heads slightly, as it will be near the horizon line. The best time to Espirito Santo will be between 4 and 5 this morning. Wednesday (11)”, he said. Anyone who wants to start watching ahead of schedule can get ready to see the meteors in the sky at around 3:00 p.m. “4:30 is the best time”, he details.

The north horizon chosen by those who wish to consider the phenomenon must be free of buildings, trees and mountains, “clean” of any interference so that it does not interfere with visibility. “There can’t be light pollution. No one in a big city probably won’t see it. Rain is typical of the Northern Hemisphere, so if people are along the Northern Hemisphere or close to the equator, they can still see it. Nice.” There’s visualization,” says Cal.

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View and amount of meteors per hour

Astronomers point out that, for example, in the southeast region, rainfall is very poor in terms of visuals, so it is important to follow the tips to have a good position when observing the sky. According to Calil, about 100 meteors are expected to fall every hour.

“This is called the Zenital Hour Rate (THZ). Based on reports from supervisors, colleagues and friends, we maintain this forecast. But it is important to emphasize that Espirito Santo creates too many expectations for the people. Don’t, that people in the southeastern region of Brazil probably won’t be able to see 100 meteors per hour.”

comet path

The Perseid meteor shower is associated with the passage of Comet Swift-Tuttle. “The comet passes, continues its trajectory, and when it comes closer to the Sun, it leaves pieces, material, little bits of rock. And then it imagines a giant ball of filthy ice. The comet is there. The sun’s heat melts it into a ball and it releases material. These materials are the pebbles that reside in space,” explains Cal.

Marcos Callili

Astronomy Correspondent at Instituto Climatempo

“When Earth meets these rocks, they are pulled into the atmosphere. And then there’s a meteor shower. Meteors are that luminous phenomenon we see in the sky.”

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About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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