Port Port County 1-1 Cast Cast Live – Penalties at Rodney Parade after Shelby Leveler

Port Port County 1-1 Cast Cast Live – Penalties at Rodney Parade after Shelby Leveler

Hello and welcome to our live blog Coverage of Newport vs. Newcastle Castle.

The kick-off is 5.30pm – and we’ll bring you the build-up, team news, live-action and post-game feedback from the Rodney Parade.

Steve Bruce will look to improve his performance after United’s lucky draw against Tottenham. Callum Wilson’s injury-time penalty saw United face off against play and draw.

Bruce has promised to play a strong side against the League Two team.

One place in the last eight is the prize. Niccastle Castle played a minor role in the last round of the EFL Cup, winning 7-0.

Stay with us all day.

FT: Ni POR Port 1-1 Ni CA Castle (4-5 pans)Andrei Musgrow

FT: Ni POR Port 1-1 Ni CA Castle (4-5 pans)

Just remember that the Magpies make it through QF.

There were fines for doing so!

Penalties: Ni POR Port 4-5 Ni CA Castle Main event

Panty Number Six: Cooper! Lost! NUFC promotion

Cooper! Lost !!! New CA Castle promotion

Penalties: Ni POR Port 4-4 Ni NE CastleAndrei Musgrow

Penalty Six: LongSafe Scores!


Penalties: No POR Port 3-4 No 3-4 CastleAndrei Musgrow

Panty number five: Dolan! Score

Dolan! Score

Penalties: New POR Z3-3 NewAndrei Musgrow

Fifth penalty: Murphy! Score

Murphy! Score

Penalties: New POR Z3-3 NewAndrei Musgrow

Penalty number four: Save Gillespie!

Save Gillespie! 3-3

Penalties: New POR Z 3-2 NewAndrei Musgrow

Punishment four: the roof!

Shelby! Score

Penalties: New POR Z 2-2 NewAndrei Musgrow

Penalty three: Sheehan scores!

Sheehan Score!

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Penalties: Ni POR Port 2-1 Ni CA CastleAndrei Musgrow

Penalty three: SCHAR! Score

SCHAR! Score 2-2

Penalties: New POR 1-1 NewAndrei Musgrow

Fine two: Abraham! Score

Abraham! The score is 2-1.

Penalties: New POR 1-1 NewAndrei Musgrow

Penalty two: Jollington! Saved

Jollington! Saved

Penalties: New POR Port 1-1 NewAndrei Musgrow

Fine: Round!

Newport Score 1-1.

Penalties: Ni POR Port 0-0 Ni CA Castle Andrei Musgrow

A penalty: NUFC! Round!

Wilson’s score!

FT: Nipp 1-1 NewMain event

In fine, we go …

Late Scramble from Port Defense drew 1-1.

In fine, we go.

95 mins + 5: NEWP 1-1 NewAndrei Musgrow

Come to the corner …

Garbage free-kick before this corner, this corner is bad too!

90 mins + 5: NEWP 1-1 NewAndrei Musgrow

Shelway stands from free-kick

Murphy has been pped out about 15-20 yards – Shelby is standing next to him.

90 mins + 3: NEWP 1-1 NewAndrei Musgrow

Cross in the lovely box …

Murphy goes ahead and has one or two with Wilson – the return cross requires someone, nothing at the end of it.

But no, not at all.

90 mins + 2: NEWP 1-1 NewMain event

90 mins + 2: Murphy! Save!

A 25-yard rocket with a shot from Murphy – Ta Se Nasand suggested it.

90 min: NEWP 1-1 NewAndrei Musgrow

Included time: six minutes

Six minutes to avoid the penalty.

89 min: NEWP 1-1 NewAndrei Musgrow

Wilson on the head …

It’s a corner, and Wilson always pulls to the finish – leading it.

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87 min: Goal! ShelbyMain event

87 min: Goal! Shelby

Round! Shelby! This is a lovely ending. He turns to the left, turns the croup defender and wraps his right boot around it.

The back of the trap.


A spectacular strike to the house of Shelby Curls

Take the rider

85 min: NEWP 1-0 NewAndrei Musgrow

Avoid port pressure …

There was a lot of corner traffic before Lewis built a cross in, even a lovely cross, but there is no one to complete it.

83 min: NEWP 1-0 NewMain event

83 min: NEWP 1-0 New

What. A. Miss.

It should be 1-1. It’s a beautiful flowing trick by NUFC, and Fraser hits a ball but Murphy misunderstands it and throws it towards the goal.


81 min: NEWP 1-0 NewAndrei Musgrow

81 min: Chance! NUFC

Ryan Fraser plays here and needs one last ditch challenge from Cooper to stop him.

Nothing comes to the corner.

Ryan Taylor now for Newport.

79 min: NEWP 1-0 NewAndrei Musgrow

Mankill wasted a chance to cross …

Here the patient build and Mankilo are finally played down but his first cross has come straight out.

Such a waste.

76 min: NEWP 1-0 NewMain event

76 min: Chance! Murphy

At the edge of the box, Murphy makes a curl per round – it’s too wide.

74 min: NEWP 1-0 NEWAndrei Musgrow

End to end …

It took a second of the port here – the cross came from the right and there was some fuss in the box before the United Clear.

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Magpies move down from the other end, and Wilson almost reaches the end of a cross but it’s clear.

72 min: NEWP 1-0 NewAndrei Musgrow

Sucker approached …

Shelvi hits a corner and it leads to an equalizer – hitting the scar on the face before the ball spreads.

Not much was known about it.

71 min: NEWP 1-0 NewAndrei Musgrow

Fabian Scar turned

Fabian Scurr is for Emil Kraft.

70 min: NEWP 1-0 NewAndrei Musgrow

Head wide …

Half the chance for the port as Amand goes to the other corner behind.

About the author: Seth Grace

"Social media trailblazer. Music junkie. Evil student. Introvert. Typical beer fan. Extreme web ninja. Tv fanatic. Total travel evangelist. Zombie guru."

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