Project Recycles Hotel Soap to Donate to Kids – Small Business Big Business

Project Recycles Hotel Soap to Donate to Kids – Small Business Big Business

executive of technologySean Seipler spends 150 days a year on business trips to hotels. One night in 2008, he wondered what happened to the unused hotel room soap. So he called the front desk of the establishment and found that they had all been dumped in the landfill. “I couldn’t stop thinking about it,” Seipler tells To struggle, “I decided I had to do something about it.”

Soap from the Clean World Project (Photo: Reproduction / Facebook)

Today, he runs Clean the World, a project that takes up millions of bars of soap that will be given away to children in need. To raise money for the initiative, they sought out hotels themselves that have membership plans, which pay a small fee ($0.50 to $1 per room, per month), to participate in the soap recycling program. .

Feather companies Get everything they need to expedite donations and get rid of their waste: storage boxes, shipping, employee training. Establishments also receive impact reports which contain details social and environmental impact of your donation

Today, Clean the World partners with more than 8,000 properties worldwide – approximately 1.4 million rooms in total. Its largest partner, Hilton, contributed 14.5 million bars of soap in less than three years.

The program began in Orlando, Seapler’s hometown in the United States. At first he himself went to the establishments and asked for the remaining items. According to the entrepreneur, hotels are easily accepted. Seipler and a few friends set up a small “workshop” in the garage. He hand-scraped the outside of the bars of soap with a potato peeler. Then the soap was grinded, melted and re-moulded. In the end, already dry, they became new bars. Currently, production is carried out in large factories.

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When the soap is ready for its second life, Clean the World works with humanitarian partners such as UNICEF, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, World Vision, and Children’s International to determine which of the products is best suited for the world. where is the need. With partners, they can work with local clinics and schools, teach children hygiene protocols, and monitor effectiveness.

So far, the organization has distributed over 50 lakh such kits in shelters for people facing shortages in the sanitation supply chain.

One Planet (Photo: Editora Globo)

One Planet (Photo: Editora Globo)

About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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