Protestors in favor of Trump attack US Congress – ópoca Negócios

Protestors in favor of Trump attack US Congress – ópoca Negócios

Pro-Trump protesters attacked the Capitol, home to the US Congress (Photo: (Photo by Win McNamee / Getty Image))

A group of protesters in favor of United States President Donald Trump attacked the US Congress headquarters in Capitol, Washington, on Wednesday (6), where Democrat Joe Sessions takes place to authenticate the ballet’s electoral victory.

The meeting, which is a formal step toward confirming the November 3 election winner’s name, came to a halt as House and Senate lawmakers questioned whether or not they had any objections with Republicans’ allies against Arizona’s results .

According to US media, Vice President Mike Pence was rescued and removed from the building, while Senators and Duties were moved to safer locations within the main building. Authorities asked MPs to keep gas masks ready for use with tear gas.

Kamala Harris is elected Vice President within the Congress, which is under lockout. According to his team, he too is in a safe place.

Washington City Hall ordered a curfew from 6 pm today until 6 am the next day to calm things down. The protesters clashed with the US police on Capitol Hill, but agents were unable to stop them.

The protest was encouraged by the US President himself on the rally and on Twitter posts. In a post on the social network, Trump asked his supporters to “calmly” protest and rely on US security forces. However, some time ago, confrontation and vandalism were recorded.

Earlier, Trump told a crowd of supporters in Washington that he would not accept Biden’s victory in the November presidential election. “We will never give up, we will never give up,” Trump told supporters at Ellipse, a park near the White House. “We’re going to stop piracy [das eleições]”He insisted.

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In addition, Republicans again pressured Pence, who presides over the session in Congress, not to authenticate Biden’s victory – an action that has no constitutional basis. “I hope Mike does the right thing. If he does, we’ll win the election,” he emphasized.

However, in an official statement, the Vice President said that he would not try to stop the confirmation of victory because “the President belongs to the Americans” and he “has no power” to block the President’s certification.

“I don’t think the founders wanted to give the vice president unilateral authority to decide which votes should be counted and which shouldn’t be,” said Pence of counting votes.

Shortly thereafter, Trump again criticized him and insisted that Pence “did not dare to do what was necessary to protect the country and the constitution, which gave the states an opportunity to properly confirm the votes”. . “America asked the truth,” he wrote on Twitter.

About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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