Punish and Jessica Jones’ rights return to Marvel Studios

Punish and Jessica Jones’ rights return to Marvel Studios

Marvel Studios fans rejoice today Vandavision Waiting for the next series that the studio will launch exclusively on Disney +.

But a while back Marvel had a partnership with Netflix, a partnership that ended the series the destroyer, Jessica jones, Luke cage, iron Fist, Vindictive I The defenders., Series that ran for one to three seasons.

After the announcement of Disney +, the partnership ended, with Naflix canceling all of these series. And since then it has been known that Marvel will take two years to cancel to return.

The first was Daredevil, and Marvel wasted no time: with authority in hand, it was revealed that the character would already have a stake Spider man 3, The film which opens in December.

And now the rights to two more characters from the Netflix era return: Punisher I Jessica jones, Just the other two characters that Marvel apparently plans to integrate into the MCU.

Shall we see, for example, Jessica Jones in She hulk And punitive on any other project? We can only wait. In the meantime, follow the following Marvel legacy Not to miss any news!

Marvel is under pressure to retire Punish!

The last US election was also marked by the invasion of the Capitol in Washington, DC in the United States. The images circulated the world and resulted in the arrest and even inaction of former President Donald Trump’s social network.

What was not imagined is that the consequences of the invasion could also end for Marvel, which is now under popular pressure to retire one of its most beautiful characters.

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We are talking Punisher, The popular anti-hero who was recently played by John Bernthal in the Netflix series. This is not the first time that the character has been involved in a controversy due to real-life events. For example, in 2017, the premiere of the first season of the series was postponed after shooting in Las Vegas.

This time the controversy is about the adoption of the Punish symbol as a symbol of hatred, as all the many invaders in the Capitol were seen using the Marvel character symbol.

With this, the public is pressuring Marvel to, at the very least, replace the iconic anti-hero symbol. Another part of the audience also supports a definite ending for the character, arguing that the character has always represented a killer driven only by hatred.

According to the journalist Daniel richman, This pressure has already reached Marvel directly, but the company has not yet made a decision about the future of the character.

What do you? follow below Marvel legacy Not to miss any news!


Two seasons of Vindictive Still available on Netflix and you can watch them now. The character played by actor John Bernthal is also present in the second season the destroyer.

Read all about Punisher!

About the author: Will Smith

"Lifelong social media lover. Falls down a lot. Creator. Devoted food aficionado. Explorer. Typical troublemaker."

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