Scientists have released the first footage of this satirical squad. Are

Scientists have released the first footage of this satirical squad.  Are

Ram’s horn shells can do small, delicate patron structures at sea Find usually All over the world.

Yet despite their ubiquity, the real owners of these shells are very prosperous. So far, we have never had solo footage in the wild.

A remote operated vehicle (ROV) has now been handed over to us at the fingertips of sunlight in the sandy region of our oceans. The first footage Of the raven’s horned squid (Spirulina spirulinaA) in its natural habitat.

This strange-looking cephalopod is a half-small object 7 centimeters (less than 3 inches) long, with eight arms, two tentacles, a pair of cat’s eyes, and a typical muppet-like appearance.

At the end of its tail, hidden under its sheath, is a tightly coiled inner shell equipped with gas chambers that manipulate the animal’s well-being.

Previously, researchers conducting the RO at the Summit Ocean Institute I don’t know What were they looking at.

“What on earth is there?” A scientist can be heard Echoes In the background of the video, which was shot live on the Great Barrier Reef at a depth of about 850 to 860 meters (2,790 feet).

Very few views have since been shared online and confirmed to be the first footage of Live Spirulina In the deep ocean, our planet’s largest and least discovered habitat.

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Although many deep-sea species have never been seen in their natural waters before, scientists have been particularly excited by this recent opportunity.

Sheep horn squid are rarely seen in the wild, and it is One of the strangest cephalopods Out there.

Aside from the cuttlefish, it is the only other known molecule that has an inner chambered shell to keep it happy. Yet unlike the cuttlefish, the squid’s skeleton is tight; Mollusks in Nautilus Jeans also have shells of the same size, but they move to the outside of the animal.

“I’ve been looking for them for a long time,” Michael Vechioni, a zoologist who studied the Midwater Skid in the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, told Science Alert.

“I have absolutely no question Spirulina

While Vacioni regularly captures the species from the depths, sometimes placing them in aquariums, he has never before seen footage of the squad in its natural habitat.

Nor does Nige Pascal, who studies Spirulina At the University of Burgundy in France. He told Science Alert that the video is very interesting.

Spirula shell (Antonov / public domain)

In addition to the same rarity of this encounter, the footage has a particularly surprising aspect: the extreme position of the animal, its head and tent floating straight, and its poles pointing down.

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“Are we fully convinced of the shooting trend?” Pascal told Science Alert. If that is the case then this is the king of revolution. “

“A lot of people are screaming outside because the head is up.”

“And the reason they’re coming out is because its prosperous shell is at the other end of the squad. So you’d think the head, which is heavy, would be hanging down.”

When put in an aquarium, that’s exactly what Squad Orient is all about. Its head is coming down and its tents are in front – so was the species Thought to take the same position In the deep sea.

LWRMKV VW0 AMLFG(Ewald Rabesman / Public Domain)

According to Vachuni, however, there is a problem with that concept. Ram’s horn squid also has a light-producing organ, known as a photophore, located near the blunt shell.

If this means Spirulina Their heads are hanging down, the light will come up, and this is very unusual for deep sea animals.

In the secret zone of our oceans, hunters are often their own Looking eyes In anticipation of a possible silhouette of food. So the photophores help to transform their prey into the deep sea by washing their syllabates with light. If he is pointing the lamp upwards, that limb is almost useless.

There’s a lot we don’t know yet SpirulinaIt also includes how the species reproduces and where it lays its eggs, but the way this squad floats itself in the water is the biggest question for Vacioni.

Although he can’t believe it always goes up with the tents, he says the footage is good evidence that the squad does so in the shortest amount of time. We will need more monitoring to solve that mystery.

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And the curiosity around meme horn squid doesn’t end there. When the creature finally falls into the video, it looks as if a little ink has been submerged in the water; Vechioni is convinced that it came from squid – a possible alternative to its avoidance.

Screenshot 2020 10 28 pm 2.37.13 pmSpirulus Possible ink from spirulina. (Schmidt Ocean Institute / T / UT) b)

“It’s interesting because Spirulina There is a method of making ink but like other deep marine species, this species is lacking in it, ā€Vechion told Science Alert.

“But it does suggest that it is functional and they are using it for survival.”

This may be our first time seeing a wolf horn squid in its natural habitat, but this is their first time in the face of a scorched ROV. Fair enough if they wet themselves.

About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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