Services like Xbox Game Pass don’t make sense for big launch, says Take-Two •

Services like Xbox Game Pass don’t make sense for big launch, says Take-Two •

For catalog games only.

Take-Two was asked again what they thought about services like Xbox Game Pass and their ability to launch games on them, but CEO Strauss Zelnick says they think so, they’re a good addition to the catalog. and not premiere.

According to Zelnick, thanks gamespotThe outlook on services is similar and even questions whether they are really beneficial to all parties involved.

“Our opinion remains the same, we think a subscription model makes sense for games in the catalog. But it also doesn’t make sense for major releases.”

“For any business model in the entertainment business to make sense, it has to work for entertainment producers as well as entertainment consumers, who really want access to a lot of product.”

“But if we’re talking about a high-profile launch, it’s very hard to understand the economic specifics,” Zelnick said.

The Take-Two CEO also says there are significant differences, especially in patterns and timing of consumption, from non-interactive services like Netflix to services focused on video games.

“Linear entertainment consumers consume something like 150 hours of programming per month. Maybe over 100 different titles. In the case of interactive entertainment, consumers consume something like 45 hours per month and that’s one, two, three, four titles. Maybe. But it’s definitely not 100 titles.”

Zelnick says the subscription model doesn’t even make sense for the vast majority of consumers and prefers to wait and see on a case-by-case basis, preferring to use them for catalog games.

About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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