Sorca joins the pool of Legends of Runetera champion cards

Sorca joins the pool of Legends of Runetera champion cards
The power of Ra Sorca and his diseases is shifting towards the Legends of Runetera. Image by riot games

On Friday morning, Wright Games unveiled the upcoming memorial of the next champion, Runners, who arrived in their collection card game, to be broadcast live on October 14 in the upcoming Memorial of Power Expansion. After announcing Tahim Kanch earlier this week, the development team thought it would be appropriate to add a little magic to the set.

Sorca, Starchild was selected to join the pool of playable champion cards and with his powerful healing abilities, players will need to remove him from the board immediately before he can complete a level and play a card. The creator will be able to become a monster. The two synergistic cards, Astral Protection and Stargazer, which accompany it, plan to enable the unit. Soraka plans to maximize its value and stay as short as possible.

Creating a sticky board is hard to hit units that opponents need to shoot a shot at or they will continue to reproduce. This will create a unique deck experience for players who plan to give Starchild a try. The champion she will pair on the deck is Vladimir. With units that want to harm themselves and damage while being on board Vlad, Soraka can heal those who are a little weak to live with for long periods of time. Other champion pairs are possible depending on the type of playstyle that allows players to work well with Sorca’s support ability.

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About the author: Seth Grace

"Social media trailblazer. Music junkie. Evil student. Introvert. Typical beer fan. Extreme web ninja. Tv fanatic. Total travel evangelist. Zombie guru."

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