Spain extends restrictions on flights from Britain, Brazil and South Africa

Spain extends restrictions on flights from Britain, Brazil and South Africa

Like other countries, Spain suspended the arrival of travelers from the United Kingdom in late December, leaving national or foreign residents in Spain and Andorra due to the proliferation of a more contagious version found in the United Kingdom.

The spokesman for the Spanish government, Maria Jesúz Montero, today stated that “as far as possible, contagion” needs to be linked to variants.

In early February, Madrid decided to limit arrivals from Brazil and South Africa, also due to the Kovid-19 variants detected in these two countries.

In the case of the United Kingdom, only travelers with nationalities from Brazil and South Africa or residing in Spain or Andorra can enter the country.

However, an exception is made for passengers in transit, who are not allowed to leave the airport and cannot stay longer than 24 hours.

Variants discovered in the United Kingdom, South Africa and Brazil are of concern to the international community, who are surprised, among other things, about their degree of contagion and the effectiveness of vaccines against them.

Spain, one of the European countries affected by the epidemic, also imposed a quarantine of seven to ten days on all people coming from Brazil or South Africa, with around 68,000 deaths and more than three million cases of infected people.

According to a report by the French agency AFP, the Kovid-19 epidemic caused at least 2,474,437 deaths worldwide, causing more than 111 million cases of infection.

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About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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