‘Spotify’s Pizza’: Find out how to view your most listened to artists and genres in the app. technology

‘Spotify’s Pizza’: Find out how to view your most listened to artists and genres in the app.  technology

People who browse social networks in the recent past may have images of pie charts, with the most popular artists and genres from their contacts.

The posts were created by a tool calledSpotify Pie”, which analyzes the profile and creates an image with the most used songs, artists and playlists.

is different from Company Annual Review streaming, Pizza Spotify“Not an official resource, It was developed by student Darren Huang and posted on the social network for programmers GitHub.

There are other platforms that create similar charts and favorite lists, such as LastFM and Spotify Chart. It is important to remember in these cases that by using these tools, users agree to share their data with third parties.,

That said, it is not possible to know what it will do with the data it receives from the company? Spotify Who created the link with the profile after the craze has passed – and, therefore, it is recommended to unlink the profile after use (technical Info,

Spotify failed this Tuesday (16) – Photo: Christian Hartmann / Reuters

between permissionsSpotify Pie” asks, for example, access to content and devices on which users have installed the application. See the step-by-step guide for creating the graph:

HOW TO USESpotify Pie’

After creating a chart, you can hide the image or add categories to it before sharing it on social media.

how to take ‘Spotify pie’ from your account

Once you know what your favorite genre and artist are, you can withdraw permission from it”Spotify pie” website from accessing your personal data. To do this, you need to access the settings of Spotify To Open this link Or by clicking on your profile picture in the app and selecting “Account”.

Then follow the below steps:

  1. Log in to your account if necessary;
  2. Click “Applications” – on mobile, select “Account Overview;
  3. In the item “spotifyapp2” click on “Remove access” (take this opportunity to check if you use other apps associated with your account).

About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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