State students are selected for the 2021 Youth Ambassador Program

State students are selected for the 2021 Youth Ambassador Program

Two students from the state of São Paulo were selected for the Young Ambassador 2021 program, an official initiative of the US State Department coordinated by the country’s embassies. Gyullia do Valle de Oliveira, who completed her studies at State School Professor Nair Ferreira Neves in São Sebastião in 2020, and Jamie Inner Turini dos Santos, a student at Sao Nicolau de Flu State School in Capivari, are representatives of the Sao Paul State.

In Brazil, the selection received more than 10,000 registrations, competing for 33 places, distributed across all states and federal districts. This year, due to the pandemic caused by Kovid-19, the program will be carried out virtually with youth from Latin America and the United States.

“Although I can’t travel to the United States, I believe the online program will still be able to accomplish what it really aims to do: expand greater knowledge, bringing great examples of youth leadership and engagement. Building more. Anyway, it is a pleasure to be part of the 33 students who have chosen to become Young Ambassadors “, said Jamille.

For the selection, the young ambassador also takes into account the leadership profile and work developed in the community, in Giulia’s case, in addition to her performance as a student in the state network, she also participates in STEM for Khan. STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in English, and the program she participates in focuses on increasing female participation in these areas.

“I think we are reaching our goals because we are expanding our audience, and I believe that we are making a very positive impact here in Brazil. This is a project that I find very Love and i love […] I want for Khan to be able to add what he learns to STEM, so that we can further develop the project and expand our reach in Brazil.

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The Youth Ambassadors emphasize the importance of supporting school and teachers to participate in the selection of the program, which in addition to being a popular competition, also tests and interviews with representatives of the United States.

“In addition to the Form Part, the program also had a written test in English and an oral interview with a representative from Washington DC and another from the US Consulate, both conducted online this year. I received a lot of support from both school and family and for Mines to apply within STEM, so I felt very calm during the whole process ”, Giulia reported.

Jamille, on the other hand, learned about the program through her English-language teacher Claudine. Professor Valeria, who teaches the subjects of Geography and the Life Project, was also remembered by the student for supporting him in many fields. “Claudine was the one who recommended the Young Ambassador program to me, I was interested in implementing it because she always said that the profile of a Young Ambassador has a lot to do with me. Valeria marked me a lot because she always found herself Shown as a dedicated professional who does her job with great understanding and humility. We always do a lot of things on different topics, both personal and social. “

future plans

Apart from young ambassadors, students also have projects for professional careers and even have one subject of study: economics. Giulia, who graduated from high school last year, is already enrolled in the course at the Federal University of São Carlos.

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“I have always wanted to study economics, whether here in Brazil or abroad. This year, thanks to Enem, I was able to join the economic sciences at UFSCar and I started studying economics at a public university I am confident that I will get access to many opportunities within the university which will make me even more prosperous in this field “, he said.

For now, Jamille has not decided yet, but he takes some options into consideration. “I am not sure what course I am going to do yet. But the areas I am very interested in are: law, international relations, foreign trade, economics or social science”.

About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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