The Best Books of 2021 according to The Economist – poca Negócios

The Best Books of 2021 according to The Economist – poca Negócios

Career and Family, De Claudia Goldin (Princeton University Press)
An Economist documents the typical life experiences of five generations of American women who have graduated from college but have given up their careers to care for their families. The author argues that the wage gap that exists today is the result of a rational decision of couples in the past: they may have decided that the person with the highest wages should continue to work, while the others (mostly women) stayed at home. Will stay ,

The Future of Money, D Ishwar Prasad (Belknap Press)
The digitization of finance has strong implications – when money loses its physical form, its meaning becomes even more difficult to understand. This meticulous book studies the impact of this change, and attempts to answer one of the most pertinent questions of our time: Will money be saved? And in what form?

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The Power of Creative Destruction, Philippe Aghien, Céline Antonin and Simon Bunnell (Belknap Press)
Austrian Josef Alois Schumpeter was one of the first economists to defend that innovation would be the engine of capitalist growth, even in the 1950s. Here, there are three authors of the idea that giving innovation a purpose is necessary in order to debate something. The most relevant issues of today’s economy, such as the roots of economic inequality and globalization, the factors that bring wealth and happiness, technological revolutions and even climate change.

The Story of Work, Dee Jan Lucassen (Yale University Press)
Starting from prehistoric times, when humans still lived on the hunt, this long description of the evolution of work reveals how many characteristics of human activities remain the same. Showcasing the emergence of cities, wage and labor markets, the book traces a perennial cycle of injustice and resistance.

The Key Man, Dee Simon Clarke and Will Loach (Harper’s Business)
As the head of Abraaj Group, a private equity firm advocating profit with purpose, Arif Naqvi became the darling of investors until he failed and changed the course of his life. This is a captivating story about the author of one of the biggest corporate scandals in history.

A Shot to Save the World, Day Gregory Zuckerman (Penguin Business)
A Wall Street Journal reporter tells the story of the great COVID-19 vaccine race in 2020. A brilliant scientific drama that combines failure, determination and triumph.

I, Warbot, D. Kenneth Payne (Oxford University Press)
A provocative reflection on how artificial intelligence will change world conflicts. Previous qualities such as courage and leadership will be in vain – wars will be won over technical matters, as will who has the best algorithm.

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Being You, D Anil Seth (Dutton Books)
Philosopher David Chalmers has said that understanding what human consciousness is is one of humanity’s most complex issues. Here, a neuroscientist leads readers through the limits of what is known, how scientists know, and most importantly, how that knowledge can be used in medicine and psychology.

The Genetic Lottery, D. Catherine Paige Harden (Princeton University Press)
Genes matter, said this study, which reflects how genetics influences a person’s chances in life. The problem is that no one chooses their genes, just as we don’t choose who our parents are. Because of this, the book argues that the state should take care so that there is no genetic disparity – a thesis beyond dispute.

Water: A Biography, by Giulio Boccaletti (Pantheon)
Until 10,000 years ago, humans went wherever there was water, as rain allowed for the cultivation and rearing of cattle. With agriculture and irrigation systems, everything changed, and water resources had to be managed. Humanity’s economic and political relationship with water is at the foundation of civilization, the authors say.

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About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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