The Brazilian series of the Schurmann family will be shown in the United States

The Brazilian series of the Schurmann family will be shown in the United States

The epidemic does not affect the production of the Schurman family. Film director David Schurman, who has released an accessible book on the making of his great work “little secret”, Now comes with more news.

The “Expedição Oriente” series will now be shown in the United States, Canada, Mexico and Australia. The ten episodes form part of the list of Tubi (, a division of Fox Entertainment with films and television programs from major Hollywood studios, including Paramount Pictures, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and Lionsgate.

Through this partnership with Tubi, North Americans, Canadians, Mexicans and Australians will be able to investigate the series, which brings a captivating story and beautiful images that are already the tradition, thrilling moments, adventures, mysteries of the Schurman family, Culture is fun and fun. entertainment.

Expedição Oriente was launched in 2017 and screened by National Geographic in Brazil, which is also broadcast exclusively in other Latin American countries.

In addition, David Schurmann announced last year, already during the epidemic, his new film “Aleppo” featuring the Hollywood star Olivia Munn, The actress who played the role of Psylocke X-Men: Apocalypse (2016), as the protagonist.

In an exclusive interview with ADNEWS, the filmmaker revealed more details about the production of the series “Expedicio Orient” and the film “Aleppo” produced during the epidemic. See it in full:

ADNEWS – How was the manufacturing process with National Geographic?

David Schurman: “Since my second visit to the world of my family, the MagLash global adventure between 1997 and 2000, Schurman Expeditions, has produced a lot of audio-visual content, including Fantastico’s Globo and frames for open TV on documentaries. . The national team knew the quality of these materials and had a close relationship with us.

When we planned “Expedição Oriente” we already knew that we were going to produce a documentary or a documentary series. We told National Geographic and he started this initiative with us, giving us complete freedom to create our narrative line and all content following our production and quality standards. On the other hand, we believe the channel was perfect for our series. “

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AD – Is the protagonist of the Schurmann family “Expedição Oriente”?

Schurman: “First, the campaign itself is the protagonist of the series. In ten episodes of 45 minutes each, viewers examine all the details of this third round of the world that our family rode the sailboat cat. It is just as we, Schurman, inspire the audience with this great journey inspired by the theory that the Chinese were the pioneers of the voyages of discovery. With “Expedição Oriente”, we covered about 50 thousand kilometers, crossing four oceans, in a journey that lasted for 812 days built around the planet with about 50 stopovers. The most striking emotions and stories experienced with this campaign are the protagonists of the series of the Shruman family. “

AD – How does co-existence at sea appear in series, contributing to quarantine routines?

Schurman: “Not only the” Expediaco Orient “series, but also the experience of our first trip around the world, which lasted 10 years and placed us in the universe of” isolation “, homeschooling and home offices when it was unimaginable – 1984 to 1994 – is an inspiration to many right now. Our second great journey (1997 – 2000), Magellius Global Adventure, with Cat on Board. The reason is that these two journeys had children, being educated at a distance, parents To spend full time with them and other features that attracted the attention of families at that time. “

“But the series” Expediaco Oriente “can also be very inspiring, as the public gives a glimpse into a two-and-a-half-year journey that puts about 10 people in daily contact, within a limited space as a spaceboat. Me The hope is that the series is able to reflect some very important factors for the campaign, a conviction on the board and this moment of social distance: respect between people and cooperation. “

AD – Do you think of starting a new series in the same format?

Schurman: “We are narrators by nature, with a passion for sharing what we live for. For this reason, our projects always involve the production of audio-visual material. In August of this year, the Schurman family again launched a new Departed for Mission: Voice of the Ocean, which has worldwide support of the United Nations Environment Program. With this campaign, we will testify and record what is happening at sea; Navigate in search of innovative solutions , And raise awareness and engage people around the world in need of immediate action. And all of this will be duly documented and shared in multiple formats: from publications on social networks to content for TV, streaming and / or cinema Till production. The format and channels depend on the stories found. “

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AD – How was the pre-production process during the epidemic?

Schurman: “The epidemic, of course, affects our calendar and filming has lasted until the second half of this year. Therefore, we are still in the pre-production process, which has experienced all of us in these distant times. For example, team meetings with the cast and script reading happened thanks to the digital platform. “Era Zoom” has a pre-production like, okay? The good thing is that it has made it easier – and more – all. To include, even if they have spread to other countries. A few weeks ago, I went to Jordan to investigate possible locations of the film that needed care beyond redistribution and was in line with the protocol. Loco in this For “inspection”, very few people were involved. Only what was extremely important to this process. We all tested before boarding, repeated there every couple of days and did it again on return. Putting away, cleaning, Wearing masks etc. The world began to join this fragile moment. But it takes care of oneself, feeling safe and such gorgeous and beautiful project It is rewarding and exciting to move on. “

AD – Olivia Munn even said that the script is the most captivating and touching she has ever read. How is it working with the actress?

Schurman: “Olivia is charming, generous and talented. A Hollywood star who surrenders in body and soul. For a director, it is beneficial to work with an actress of this caliber. Each does their work, exchanges and adds to the work side. For mass art like cinema, this is essential! May this happy meeting on the second semester and the film set!

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AD – How important was the consultation of refugees from Syria for the creation of the script?

Schurman: I immersed myself in this universe through films, documentaries, reports, photographs and more. It was at one time a difficult, extremely poignant and painful process. But then you come in front of the people you were watching and without “distance” from the screen, telling that story to a journalist or anyone else, you cannot be represented in words. It is a chance to look deeply into their eyes and notice a mixture of emotions, including the pain of leaving the country and losing family and loved ones; Fear of not being able to escape with life; The relief of being in a more comfortable place, and whoever was left behind, is believed to be a matter of concern for him. This is the type of consultation that goes beyond the professional aspect. It affects your personal life.

AD – Is there a prediction for the beginning of “Aleppo”?

Schurman: “If the schedule is kept, filming will take place in the second half of this year. From there we can consider one to two years for post-production, finishing and launching. In 2023, we hope to bring “Aleppo” to the world!

“Aleppo” is Schurman’s first feature since the success of “Little Secret” (2016), and has come through an invitation to the cinema and streaming projects the filmmaker receives from Los Angeles. In addition, “Aleppo” is produced by Andre L III, who worked on films such as “Ilha do Fierce” with Leonardo DiCaprio and “300” with Gerard Butler and is today CEO of MiLu Entertainment. There is also Juan Bergaz of Bergaz Productions as the executive producer.

About the author: Will Smith

"Lifelong social media lover. Falls down a lot. Creator. Devoted food aficionado. Explorer. Typical troublemaker."

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