The dollar starts rising and the economy trades at R $ 5.30

The dollar starts rising and the economy trades at R $ 5.30

The dollar began to decline on Wednesday (6), with the global markets declining, with backlash watchers and investors for previous seats in the United States Senate reacting to comments by Brazilian President, Jair Bolsonaro. That country is “broken”.

At 9:50 am, the US currency rose 0.85%, quoted at R $ 5.3052. View more quotes.

The dollar closed down 0.16% at R $ 5.2603 on Tuesday.

The central bank will hold a traditional swap auction to complete 16,000 contracts maturing in May and September 2021.

In 2020, it grew by 29.36%.

Economists echo Bolsonaro’s claim that ‘Brazil is broken’

In the United States, investors follow the definition of elections in the United States, evaluating the possibility of a US Senate controlled by Democrats. Assessments that the United States Congress controlled by President-elect Joe Biden’s party could lead to the creation of higher taxes and stricter rules for technology veterans.

  • Democrats are elected senators by Georgia, and Biden is in control of Congress

In the eyes of analysts, the so-called “blue wave” would give more room for President-elect Joe Biden to act on his reform plans, including a new impetus against Kovid-19, but also meant higher taxes and more regulations. Can also be from

Here, Economic Minister Paulo Guedes interrupted his leave to attend a meeting called by President Jair Bolsonaro at Planalto Palace. Other ministers were also called. The meeting was called after the president declared “Brazil is broken” and said he, Bolsonaro, “can do nothing”.

  • Economists have called for reform after the president says Brazil has broken

The election for the chairmanship of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate is also on the radar of investors.

Dollar Variation – Photo: Economy G1

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About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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