“The Queen’s Gambit” Effect: Online Chess Bounce – ópoca Negócios

"The Queen's Gambit" Effect: Online Chess Bounce - ópoca Negócios
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(Photo: photo by Scott Olson / Getty Image)

In the midst of the epidemic, one game in particular stood out, chess. And its growing popularity, by Netflix’s “O Gambito da Raina” series, is now spreading to websites and streaming services as well.

according to Bloomberg, The chess channels on the online live streaming platform Twitch have increased the number of followers through virtual tournaments between players, increasing viewership and membership for famous chess players such as the Great American Master. Hikaru Nakamura (which airs as GMahikaru).

The social network and game server website Chess.com has added about 1 million new members every month since the lockdown that began in March, and about 2.8 million in November alone. In a single month, more than 78 million standard chess games took place on Liches, a free online chess server.

Retailers were the first to benefit from the success of “O Gambito da Raina”, an event that was watched by 62 million households in the first 28 days after release, more than any Netflix limited series. For example, Toy Goliath Games saw a 1,100% increase in game sales in November and December over the same period last year.

Despite the good numbers, it is likely that this momentum will not continue as interest in the series decreases. But Jennifer Shahade, a two-time United States women’s chess champion and current director of the United States Chess Federation’s Women’s Program, said Bloomberg said she believed the interest could transition to “liberal influence.”

Among popular chess channels, Anna Rudches, Hungarian international master and female grandmaster Streaming under the names Anna_Chase, and Levi Rozman, American international master streaming like Gotham, demonstrate how streaming and content creation have become an alternative option in recent months has gone. Traditional avenues for retired and competitive players at their level.

“When the epidemic happened, all the programs I canceled. All over-the-board tournaments have been canceled. So I thought, ‘If I could do this, what would it be like [streaming] a full time job? “I was forced to try,” said Rudolph, who started the epidemic with less than a dozen twitching customers. Since then, his channel has grown to a few thousand subscribers – with plans ranging from $ 4.99 to $ 24.99 in early December – with over 80,000 followers.

Interest in chess increased so much that on December 11, over 70,000 viewers in Twitch played across all channels to watch the semi-finals of the speed chess championship between legendary masters Magnus Carlson and Maxim LaChier-LaGrave. And as they played, streamers and well-known chess players analyzed and commented on movements and strategies in real-time and interacted with the audience through live chat.

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About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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