The station universes have launched Spacewalk – Spaceflight now

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Pierce Airlock and Docking Boxes to be removed for the next two years to connect the new Russian laboratory Modi. Two Russian spacecraft on Wednesday made suitable suites for the spacewalk outside the International Space Station.

The voyage will start at around 9:30 a.m. EST, on the opposite side of the station from Perez, using a Poisk docking compartment, such as a plane for future Russian astronauts after the removal of their old counterpart.

Spacewalk arrives two days after the arrival of four astronauts aboard the SpaceX Crew Dragon merchant spacecraft and will be carried by Sergei Rizikov and Sergei Kud-Sverchkov, commanders of Expedition 64, both making their maiden voyages outside the space station.

For identification, Ryzykov will wear a call sign EV-1, a space suit with red stripes and a helmet using Camera 20, while Kud-Sverchkov, EV-2 will use a blue stripe and a helmetcam 18 suit.

Almost identical to Peer’s, Poisk was launched about 11 years ago, on November 10, 2009, and two days later was connected to the upper port of the Zeveda Modi module. It has been used several times as a docking port for unpiled progress cargo carriers and Soyuz crew ships, but never as an airlock.

Before leaving, the Universe planned to spend an hour to ensure that Poisk’s never-before-used side hatch could be safely opened and closed with an airtight seal. And that the hatch going into the main body of the station empties when it leaks. The compartment is near or close to the vacuum.

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After wearing their Orlan spacesuits, Ryzykov and Kud-Sverchkov planned to partially pressure Poisk for the initial round of leak checks for the first time. NASA’s Crumate Kate Rubin will conduct similar tests inside the Russian part of the station.

The cosmonauts will then move the Poisk into space, open the side spacewalk hatch for the first time in the history of the Modi module, and inspect its seals for signs of debris or damage to foreign objects. Spare sealing material is available if required.

They then closed the hatch and reopened it, and the 232nd Spacewalk, dedicated to station assembly and maintenance, became the eighth station EVA so far this year. Are planning to run additional leak investigations while floating out to get started.

The first item on the agenda is the installation of a new pump to assist in the circulation of liquids in the station’s first medium, the Russian medium model, launched 20 years ago on November 20.

Cosmonauts will then receive the Materials Science Space Exposure Palette from Pierce Medicine and disconnect a telemetry cable. The cable will be reconnected to Poisk, beginning the process of terminating the use of Pierce as an airlock.

After clearing a window on Zeveza Modi on L, astronauts will install a rocket plum impedance detector and retrieve an experiment tray to help engineers evaluate micrometroid effects. Their final task is to paint a picture of the exterior of Russia.

About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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