“Teen Wolf” Alum Dylan O’Brien is finally opening up about a horrific accident in March 2016 on the set of “Maze Runner: The Death Kure”.
O’Brien, 29, said he was “disturbed” and felt “broken king” after the accident Occurred during stunt filming. The film was delayed when he recovered from his injuries, which he did not elaborate on but allegedly required reconstruction surgery.
“A lot of things were changing in my life and there were difficulties at that time. Many things in my career were changing. I was fighting this for a while, and going out I felt that the king was broken, “he said. Recently told the deadline. “I had to accept that and sink into it.”
Promoting his new secret, “The Education of Frederick Fitzgerald”, O’Brien said he was strongly connected to the script of the film. Directed by Christopher McBride, the film tells the story of a young man played by O’Brien, who faces a “crisis of existence” and “literally and figuratively travels through his past,” according to official details released. When the casting of O’Brien was announced.
“When I read this, I felt like I was going through a quarter of my life. I was letting myself get lost in this beautiful place, “said O’Brien, 24, at the time of his first accident in Vancouver, Canada. “And then the script came and I thought it was crazy how much it was for me at the moment. The film revolves around a boy who is looking forward to the next stage of his life, he is facing a lot of losses, and at that time in his life he reached back to a certain night. I liked the idea. This is a very human story. ”
O’Brien explained in detail that the emotions he felt after the accident were related to the experience he had with her when making the new film. He added that his recovery was not quick or easy.
“It was definitely one of the pieces. It was a ST gathering, ”he said. “I had a long way to go from that, maybe more than most people. It was very personal and personal to me. I’ve been going through that for a long time. ”
He added that “The Education of Frederick Fitzgerald” – which will be released next year – says, “I used it as an outlet to get into the mess I was in at the time.”
O Brian First appeared in 2017 Returning to work was a great way to get strong.
“It really helped,” he said, referring to the then-action action flick “American Killer.” “It simply came to our notice then. In order to recover, I needed to find out if I could do it again. I could still be on the set and things could go right,” he said. And things could be done safely. The way they are done. ”
O’Brien can also be seen in the upcoming Paramount movie ‘Love and Monsters’.