United States Senate Armed Forces Committee visits COMPAAz – Air and Naval Defense

United States Senate Armed Forces Committee visits COMPAAz – Air and Naval Defense

On June 27, Meredith Werner, counsel to the Armed Services Committee
From the United States Senate (USA), the Maritime Operations and Protection of the Blue Amazon Command (COMPAAz) was visited by Colonel Chike T. Williams, US Defense Attaché in Brasilia; by Commander Benjamin P. Newhart, Deputy Director of the Senate Liaison Office within the Office of Legislative Affairs of the Department of the Navy; and by Eric Driggs, US Southern Command Legislative Liaison Officer.

The purpose of the visit was to discuss several topics of interest to both navies, including the exchange of maritime security information and opportunities to enhance the interoperability of the Brazilian Navy (MB) with both the US Navy and the US Coast Guard. To raise awareness
Sea conditions in the South Atlantic.

United States Senate Armed Forces Committee visits COMPAAz – Air and Naval Defense

To conclude the debate, an institutional lecture was organized
COMPAAz, showing its actions and actions in favor of maritime security
Brazilian strategic environment. The main systems developed by the MB and used by the operational sector to enhance maritime situational awareness were also presented.

Source: MB

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About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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