Unusual pointed rocks have been discovered on the moon; Scientists are amazed – 02/16/2021

Unusual pointed rocks have been discovered on the moon;  Scientists are amazed – 02/16/2021

A very unusual pointy rock was discovered in The hidden part of the moon Except scientists Chinese Space Mission Chang ‘4 “Surprise”. According to information published in our space, the Yutu-2 rover, the scientific propagation channel of CNSA (National Space Administration of China), tallied and pointed the rock last month.

According to the scientists, the assumption is that it was placed as a “point of reference” to mark the location. All this happened the day before Yutu-2 hibernated – when it is a lunar night and the sun’s rays do not hit the region. At that point, the rover has deactivated its system, keeping only the essentials so that the lunar can be reactivated the next morning. Each day on the Moon lasts for about two weeks on Earth, as do lunar nights.

So scientists had to wait for some time before starting a more detailed analysis. Some images of unusual objects and rocks and surrounding pits have been affected, but still not enough to draw concrete conclusions.

After being inactive during the lunar night, Chang’e 4 Landing Module and Utu-2 Rover Resumed their activities on 6 February – the other side of the moon on the 27th lunar day.

Dan Moriarty, a fellow of NASA’s postdoctoral program at the Goddard Space Flight Center, told the website “Space.com” that rock can form after events such as repeated impacts, thermal cycle stress and other forms of weathering on the surface. The moons, which break the rocks in more or less spherical form.

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Moriarty, who does not participate in the mission but observes images made by the scientists involved, says the pointy rock may have originated from some nearby pits. Clive Neill, a lunar expert at the University of Notre Dame, also considers the hypothesis, but questions the origin of the material – whether it is local or outside the region.

The mission researchers plan is to analyze the rock with a VNIS (visible and near-infrared imaging spectrometer) instrument, which detects scattered or reflected light in the material to reveal its structure. The device has already been used to examine a range of rocks and regoliths (materials from a rocky surface, such as dust and pebbles), crossing the path of Yutu-2 Pit FromKarman, Where Chang 4 landed in 201 201.

About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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