Ursit meteor shower around winter uniformity in 2020 peaks

Ursit meteor shower around winter uniformity in 2020 peaks

This small meter shower can actually be seen only from the North Golisfire, which crosses the sky between five and 10 meters per hour.

On the evening of December 21, the peak of Arcades reaches the morning of December 22. The moon will be 50% complete. This, combined with the often cloudy winter nights of December, may obscure your idea of ​​this little shower.

If you want the best view of the shower, according to NASA, wait until about 12:30 a.m. on the moon and on December 22 at ET. Then look at the sky for an hour.

The meteor shower originates from the Ursa Minor constellation, known as the Little Dipper, but the meters will appear to be spreading across the sky.

According to, Ursids are a relatively new meteor shower Earthsky.rSkywitching Guide. Although many of the weather showers we see throughout the year have been annual events for centuries, Ursad was not celebrated until the 20th century.
Weather showers occur as the Earth passes near Comet 8p / Tuttle’s bit Rabbit and this year, our nearby pass includes several trails of debris that also follow this comet. American Meter Society. This weather can cause more activity during showers.

Do not look directly at the sky. Aim for almost half of the sky, according to the American Meter Society.

The Gemini meter showr Sunday continues, and the winter solstice occurs one day later on December 21st.
And don’t forget to keep an eye on the so-called “Christmas star“(Which is not really a star) is on December 21. This is when Guru and Saturn come closest in our sky than ever before.

About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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