US offers $10 million bounty for Darkside hackers – 11/4/2021

US offers  million bounty for Darkside hackers – 11/4/2021

WASHINGTON, November 4, 2021 (AFP) – The United States on Thursday (4) committed $10 million to find the leaders of the ransomware (data hijacking) group Darkside in the latest effort by authorities to fight cyber-extortion attacks. Reward announced.

Washington blames the Russian-based group for the cyberattack that forced the closure of the largest pipeline in the eastern United States in May.

Ransomware attacks are carried out by exploiting a security hole of a company or individual to encrypt and lock down your system and then demand a ransom to unlock it.

“By offering this bounty, the United States demonstrates its commitment to protecting ransomware victims around the world,” the State Department said in a statement.

Washington has also offered a $5 million reward for information leading to the arrest or conviction of those in any country who attempt to engage the Darkside in carrying out an attack.

Despite the lure of money on offer, some cyber security experts believe that the rewards are not effective in exposing hackers.

John Bumbleneck said, “Without a benevolent hunter willing to visit your jurisdiction (of a hacker), bag your unconscious body, and then drop you off at the nearest US embassy, ​​I doubt it will have much effect.” ” Netenrich, a computer science and security operations company.

“To be honest,” he says, offering this reward “won’t hurt either.”

Cybercrime is increasing. According to new figures released in October for the first half of 2021, US authorities were reported to have $590 million in ransomware-related payments.

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That number is up 42 percent compared to the full year of 2020, according to a US Treasury report, and there are strong indications that the actual cost is likely to be in the billions.


About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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