Users can permanently lose their WhatsApp account; Understand

Users can permanently lose their WhatsApp account;  Understand

Have you ever thought about losing your WhatsApp account permanently? A simple system failure allows the attacker to take down users remotely and even without any contact with the victim. Information is from Tech Today.

For this to happen, the hacker only needs to have the user’s mobile number and notify the application that the account has been stolen. After completing some processes, he is able to delete the account, in a digital way.

The vulnerability was reported last Saturday (10) by Cyber ​​Security researchers Luis Mercage Carpentho and Ernesto Canales Perena. For them, the application’s first serious vulnerability is the possibility of logging in with any phone number, even if the user does not own the line.

Due to these and other security breaches, it is possible that a person will not be able to re-establish their account after it has been stolen. Even with any other device, the phone number will not work in the application and it will be necessary to create a new account, this time with a different number.

WhatsApp had sent a note to TechTodo stating that the practical practice addressed by the two researchers violated the application’s terms of use. In addition, the note also states that the registration of the requested email is required during the activation of two-step verification for the first owner of the company to be identified by the company before the block.

Despite the note, the application did not disclose whether it intended to make changes to prevent a security breach.

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About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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