Volocopter will test Embraer’s competitive flying cars in Japan; see when

Volocopter will test Embraer’s competitive flying cars in Japan;  see when

German company Volocopter, one of the world’s leading companies that develops flying cars or EVTOL (electrically powered vertical take-off vehicles), has confirmed that it will test its models in Japan, including There are bold plans to implement infrastructure for urban air mobility (UAM). ). According to the manufacturer, the idea is to start appraisal and regulation in 2023 and to start commercial operations after two years.

The city that would be privileged to receive the flying cars would be Osaka, which is the largest in Japan and which has a large fleet of helicopters like metros like So Paulo and New York. The city was chosen precisely because of Expo 2025, an event that will be held there and will focus on the presentation of urban solutions and structural development.

“Japan and Osaka’s commitment to the commercialization of UAM and their open approach allows us to advance the future of mobility. As the world’s first and only EVTOL developer, successful public flights on multiple continents and a family of multifunctional aircraft With this, we are confident that we will become an integral part of Japan’s future urban air mobility ecosystem,” Volocopter CEO Florian Reuter said in an official statement.

(Image: Disclosure / Volocopter)

One of Volocopter’s partners in Japan is Fine Japan Airlines, which has reserved 100 units of Volocity, the company’s urban flying car and Volodrone, which focuses on heavy cargo transport operations, but without crew. The manufacturer hopes to close more deals with countries in Europe and the United States, but regulations and registration are still required.

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In Brazil, Embraer is already working on its flying car through its subsidiary, Eve. Flight of the first full-size prototype is expected later this year.

Source: Volocopter

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About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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