Wedgington intends to bring Pfizer’s thank you letter to the Panzmic CPI

Wedgington intends to bring Pfizer’s thank you letter to the Panzmic CPI

Former Communications Secretary to the President of the Republic, Fabio Wagengarten, intended to present in his testimony, next Wednesday (12), Pandamia’s CPI, the Pfizer for its work to close the pharmaceutical company to a contract with the government Is a thank you letter. Government of Brazil to supply 100 million doses of vaccine against Kovid-19.

a Cnn It was found that the document was sent in March this year and is signed by the chairman of Pfizer for Latin America, Carlos Murillo. Pfizer, according to reports, sent similar letters to other members of the government and MPs, who, through changes in the law, made it possible for pharmaceutical immunizers to arrive in the country.

According to the news, Wazengarten intended to give the senators time to talk about how they kept in touch with the pharmaceutical company.

The former government communications secretary will tell CPI that, in November last year, he learned that Pfizer had sent a letter to President Jair Bolsonaro on September 12, with copies for then-Health Minister Eduardo Pazuelo, Vice President President Mauro Mauro . , Brazilian Ambassador to Washington, Nestor Forster, and Braga Netto (then in the Civil House) and Paulo Geddes (Economy) for Ministers. The document was revealed by policy analyst Caio Junqueira in January this year. The document was revealed by policy analyst Caio Junqueira in January this year.

In it Pfizer’s global CEO, Ebert Borla, said that Pfizer had already made contact with the Brazilian government through ministries of health and economy, in addition to the Brazilian embassy in the United States, but had not received it until that moment answer. Wagengarten intended to tell the senators that he would field for the government to close the contract with the pharmaceutical company.

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According to reports given to CNN, Wagengarten is also preparing documentation on the area that concerns him: communications. The former secretary program presents to the CPI that ad campaigns carried out on the Kovid-19 epidemic with values ​​and scope, under the purview of Secom and the Ministry of Health.

Fabio Vagengarten Speaks at Planalto (15.Jan 2020)
Photo: Anderson Reidel / PR

About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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