WhatsApp now allows you to speed up messages on your cell phone; See how to do

WhatsApp now allows you to speed up messages on your cell phone;  See how to do

We have already tested it! Hey WhatsApp, The instant messaging platform, has already started releasing functions that allow the speed of audios to accelerate. However, it is extremely important to note that the only information was that the functionality is valid for devices with Android systems.

Twitter users reported receiving the function to save time for playing voice messages in Android applications. The Notícias Concursos team also tested the functionality and it worked! Watch a preview below:

However, none of those reporting said they had a device with an iOS system. Notícias Concursos also confirmed that the functionality has not yet been released on Apple devices.

Posts addressing the new function began to appear. “WhatsApp serves to increase audio speed by 2x”, a user on Twitter said. “Now you can speed up audio on WhatsApp,” another Internet user reported.

The new functionality appears as a tag below the audio media received by the user. In this space, it displays audio playback speeds and three acceleration options: 1x, 1.5x and 2x.

According to all the information caught so far, it is not yet known if the device is available only for Android. Furthermore, it is still unknown whether the feature was released only to users of the test group (beta), or even in the platform’s last update.

With the new function, WhatsApp is closer to Telegram, which also has a similar feature. In 2018, the application was updated with the option to speed up the playback speed of voice messages by 2x, which is very different from WAPP, which offers three options in the same category.

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About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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