YouTuber puts 16GB on a GeForce RTX 2070 which had 8GB

YouTuber puts 16GB on a GeForce RTX 2070 which had 8GB

This process was shared in a full video on the VIK-on channel

O youtube canal On vik Shared a modification to my video cardHey NVIDIA Geforce The RTX 2070 is somewhat unusual. He was able to use the diagrams NVIDIA Hollow PCBs and, with that, replaced the memory of 8GB GDDR6 from Micron, Overall by Samsung 16GB GDDR6. Despite working, his equipment was a bit unstable as he reported.

In your video, which can be seen above, YouTuber shows you how to do the process. By doing this step-by-step shown, the board loses warranty for logically obvious reasons, such as physical changes to the product. Any problems that are solely the responsibility of the user. One of the main is the possibility of losing the card permanently due to damage. Even if he decides to return with the original memories, the card may not work due to some difficulty in the process.

The process shown in the video does not seem so complicated for those who have a certain technical knowledge and, if they have the right equipment. The YouTuber “bus” removed the factory-produced memories and replaced them with higher capacities. This modification should generally be allowed by the manufacturer, in this case by NVIDIA, to work for. But in this case, The GeForce RTX 2070 BIOS requires support for high capacity.

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As can be seen in the video, the video card correctly detects memory by the GPU-Z software and works together Firmakar. Despite this, during the tests conducted on video, there are Performance flaw. That is, although it works, the process It is neither stable nor safe. In other tests and scenarios, the system may be unstable or behave at all.

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The instability did not stop VIK-on from performing some benchmark tests. YouTuber was able to run the test 3DMark TimeSpy Fully. Has received your revised board 6176 digits On TimeSpy Graphics, proving that more memories didn’t matter in this case. In fact, the opposite happened, since The RTX 2070 has an average score of 9107 points.

The modification process is not indicated and guaranteed by the manufacturer. This is because, apparently, it can damage the equipment. The 16GB memory kit can be purchased from Samsung via AliExpress US $ 200About R $ 1,100, without considering possible duties and taxes.

Via: video card

About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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