3 professional ways to use chipped walls in free fire

3 professional ways to use chipped walls in free fire

In this article, we are going to show you 3 professional ways to use wall pasting in Garena Free Fire. Please follow the details given here carefully.

Free Fire is the most famous battle royale game in the world. The sport has gained a very important position in the competitive arena. This BR game has been downloaded by more than 1 billion players from Google Play Store. Developers add exciting and lucrative in-game rewards during each update.

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The developers have introduced many utilities into the game. Such as grenades, smoke, flash and glue wall, etc. Players use all this for their own safety. Out of all these, the pasted wall is considered to be the most beneficial. Because it can easily save the player from all four sides.

Here are 3 tips for using chipped wall coverings professionally.

3 professional ways to use chipped walls in free fire

#3 – Glue the wall in the right direction

In Garena Free Fire, players must use the glue wall correctly. Because when the enemy dominates the player, the player is not able to use the glue wall properly in a hurry. So, with the player’s technique and skill, build the glue wall in the right direction and deliver impunity to the enemies.

#2 – Using Glue on a Scalar Wall

Glue Wall is a useful utility in Free Fire. If a player has fallen on a higher position or on a level, the player has fallen from a higher position. Hence, walls pasted over at this location are very useful. Because with the use of glue wall, you can climb high anywhere.

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#1 – Don’t Overuse Wall Glue

Don’t ruin walls with glue on Free Fire. Because, the player already has fewer walls. If the walls of glue run out during hard times, the enemy can take over the player. So, in character combinations, use Mr. Vagor. Which provides glue on the wall every 100 to 120 seconds.

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About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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