A month before the election, Trump shows a new poll, 14 points behind Biden US election 2020

Donald Trump’s troubling campaign team dealt another blow on Sunday when the president began his second full day in hospital: in a new national poll, his candidate was challenged 14 points behind his challenger Joe Biden. That was less than a month before election day.

The NBC / Wall Street Journal Survey Trump’s advisers are already scrambling to find a strategy for the final weeks of the campaign by November 3, signaling a 53-39% gain for the Democratic nominee.

It was becoming clear that Vice President Mike Pence, who has tested negative for coronavirus, and members of Trump’s family, once they reunite, would play key roles in the virtual, until then. Individual rallies until or until Trump himself recovers in time. To restart the campaign.

“It’s important that our campaign continues unabated,” Steve Cortes, a senior adviser to Trump’s campaign, told Fox News on Sunday.

“The mega (Make America Great Again) movement is bigger than just President Trump. He is of course the instrument of course but he is not the only key. Other people, of course the vice president, the campaign people, the millions of regular Americans, need to disappear to some extent because the rest of the class is our champion, our main tool is not capable of running a strong campaign right now. “

Pence has planned public campaigns in Arizona, Nevada and Washington, D.C., and will travel to Salt Lake City on Wednesday with Biden’s running mate, Kamala Harris, for a vice-presidential debate, on which Trump’s team has a strong presence. Looking for performance.

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Bibin has shown that Biden has extended his lead over Trump, just after last Tuesday’s tumultuous first presidential debate in Cleveland, in which an argumentative president repeatedly stopped both his opponent and moderator Chris Wallace. .

Jason Miller, another senior adviser to Trump’s campaign, said he had “no worries” about the Pence trip and the campaign.

“We are in a campaign, we have a month to go, we see Joe Biden And Kamala Harris is campaigning there, ”he told NBC’s Meat Press.

“He’s going to schedule a full attack, like the first family, Don, Eric, Ivanka. We have a lot of our supporters, our alliance, the black voice for Trump, the Latinos for Trump, the whole Operation Mega will be deployed everywhere.

“We can’t hide from this virus forever, we have to keep it going [and] We will do this as soon as we are able to return here in person, “he added.

Meanwhile, Biden’s campaign has been less key since Trump was admitted to hospital Friday night. On Sunday, pool reporters covering the former vice president at his home in Wilmington, Delaware, were told about a lick – which was announced at 9:16 a.m. at the end of a public presentation or statement.

The Biden campaign announced Friday that it was suspending negative messages attacking the president while he was in hospital, although Minnesota Democratic Senator Amy Cloboucher said Sunday that this does not mean Trump’s handling of the epidemic or His financial record was closed. Range.

Klobutcher told Fox News on Sunday that when Wallace asked him what topics Biden would not discuss, “there is no discussion about covid when you have 7 million people who have the virus.”

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“[Biden] “Look, I want the president to come back, they want to have more arguments with him, they want him to get well soon,” he said. It is not about politics or prejudice, but it is the effect of the epidemic, it has affected the lives of the people, how they have miscalculated in this administration, of course it is on the table.

Despite shutting down campaign activities on Sunday, Biden’s team said there were no plans to bring the events back as long as the candidate and those around him continue to test negative for Kovid-19.

“Joe Biden will be in that debate,” said Simon Sanders, a senior campaign adviser, about the second presidential debate in Miami on October 15. “We hope President Trump can take part.”

Some political analysts believe that Trump’s stay in the hospital after the debacle has hurt his campaign.

Dispatch founder and chief executive Steve Hayes said Sunday, “I’ve talked to people working in Republican swing states and they’re nervous. “

“It’s not just President Trump. People view the performance of the debate negatively, but it is also beginning to affect Republicans from the ballot box. If the current move continues through the third month of November, we are currently talking about the risk of Republican senators. “

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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