After failure, Ingenuity helicopter makes fourth flight on Mars – News

After failure, Ingenuity helicopter makes fourth flight on Mars – News

After a technical glitch, NASA performed this Friday (30) Ingenuity helicopter’s fourth flight on Mars. In February, an image taken by a camera of Perciver Rover carrying the orbiting Red Planet ground was released by a profile of the US Space Agency.

Also read: NASA Helicopter on Mars Photographs of Perseverance Rover

This photo shows Ingenuity further than the other three flights arriving from Rover. On Thursday, NASA released a persistence photo taken by the helicopter after the third successful take-off.

During the last flight a video was also published showing the shadow of ingenuity passing over Martian soil.

The Mars 2020 mission was launched in July 2020 with the goal of furthering Mars exploration. Rover Persavarnes is responsible for collecting soil and rock samples and monitoring seismic activities on the planet with ultrasonic devices.

The conditions on Mars were a challenge for NASA engineers, which is much lower than here on Earth. So far, all the flights performed have been successful and scientists have managed an aerial view of the planet.

In the first three flights, the researchers completed the first phase of the project, which was simply traveling and making short journeys in rare environments on Mars. Now, in the second phase, the focus is on “demonstrating flight operations that future aircraft will be able to use”, according to the agency.

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About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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