Along with Bolsonaro, Brazil returns to top 10 of world economy

Along with Bolsonaro, Brazil returns to top 10 of world economy

Economy Minister Paulo Guedes and President Jair Bolsonaro. (Photo: Agência Brasil)

The source is the Austin ratings, and naturally the old press didn’t pay enough attention to it: Brazil, under the command of President Jair Bolsonaro, has returned to the ranking of the world’s 10 largest economies after leaving this select group in 2020.

This number is no small thing: Brazil dropped from 13th place in the fourth quarter of 2021 to 10th in March 2022, despite a global movement trying to stabilize the country’s economy. Brazil surpassed Russia (US$1.83 trillion), South Korea (US$1.80 trillion) and Australia (US$1.75 trillion) in the first quarter of this year to reach US$1.83 trillion. The largest economy in the world is the United States of America with a nominal GDP of $25.45 trillion. Another piece of data, Ibovespa, an indicator of the average performance of quotations of shares traded on the B3 stock exchange, was the fifth-best performer among 78 countries in the month of May with an increase of 8.48%.

Brazil knew how to deal with world inflation

Independent analysts have no doubts to say that inflation is all over the world and that Brazil has managed to manage its economy wisely. This is the case of former Central Bank director and CEO of Maui Capital, Luiz Fernando Figueredo, who has said in recent interviews, among them SBT News, that an analysis of the economy should take into account how the world is, where looking at According to him, Brazil has learned to deal with inflation as compared to other countries. The world doesn’t know. For forty years, there has not been an inflation of 7.5% in the US, as projected for this year. Our BC already has the rate, others are starting. For other countries, the result is that inflation will remain high for a longer period of time.”

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Fake News? STF President at Secret Dinner with Renan Calheiros?

This may sound like a daring fake news: but a dinner reserved for the president of the STF, Minister Luiz Fux and Minister Carmen Lucia with seven senators, among them Renán Calheiros, who embodies the worst flower in Brazilian politics, is actually happened in Other participants, the procedures they respond to, do not enrich the landscape: Katia Abreu (Progressistas-TO), Randolph Rodrigues (REDE-AP), Tasso Gersati (PSDB-CE), Marcelo Castro (MDB-PI) , Eduardo Braga (MDB-AM) and Fernando Bejera Coelho (MDB-PE). Secret dinner in the mansion of Minister Carmen Lucia, served for ministers of the STF to consult with this “cream” of the Senate on certain positions taken in relation to the government and President Jair Bolsonaro. This completely anti-republican meeting is better explained when STF ministers, except for discretion and restraint, frequently use the words “we” and “he” in their various public appearances.

The senseless journey: Alexandre de Moraes and Father Silvio Lancelotti

With a clearly provocative spirit that has nothing to do with the stability of the Supreme Court minister, Alexandre de Moraes met Father Silvio Lancelotti, a traditional supporter of ex-convict Lula, and frequent critic of the president, for no apparent reason. Jair Bolsonaro. But the priest, who belonged to Pastor do Menor in So Paulo, also has another interesting reference: In 2007, he found himself involved in a noisy process that was accused of sexual abuse and pedophilia.

Scenario for PSDB and MDB in RS

Although its leaders do not approve of it, MDB’s candidacy for the state government is in the hands of the PSDB and the party’s national affairs. If former governor Eduardo Leite is not nominated as a Toucan candidate for the presidency of the republic, he will run for state government. The national agreement with the PSDB predicts that Toucans’ support of Simone Tebet will cost the MDB the withdrawal of candidacy for the Gaucho government. In this case, Eduardo Leite will run for state government, with Gabriel Souza as the vice president, and Ana Amelia (PSD) as the Senate candidate.

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Vieira da Cunha assembling the team

Vieira da Cunha, ex-candidate for state government by PDT, confirmed the name of Professor Christian Veloso Kuhn, Doctor in Development Economics from UFRGS, to assume general coordination of the campaign yesterday.