Apple fired an employee who led the #AppleToo movement

Apple fired an employee who led the #AppleToo movement

Apple fired the Parish leader of the #AppleToo labor movement this Friday, according to ledge. The company’s now former associates were one of the main voices of the initiative created to bring together Reporting harassment and poor working conditions US based company.

According to the publication, the Apple Maps program manager’s dismissal was motivated by deleting files from his work cell phone, violating the company’s internal rules and obstructing an ongoing investigation. His removal includes apps like Google Drive, Robinhood, and Pokemon Go.

While this is the “official reason” for the resignation, Cupertino giant officials heard by the site believe that Parish’s resignation is, in fact, retaliation for an action taken by the former manager. #AppleToo brings together former and current employees of the company to discuss episodes of harassment, prejudice and discrimination.

As demanded, the leader of the campaign declined to comment on the matter, but his lawyer Vincent P. White confirmed his departure. “We can confirm that he is no longer with Apple, but we cannot speak further about the situation at this time,” the representative explained.

similar case

In a case that resembles today’s incident, the owner of the iPhone Senior programming engineer Ashley Gojovic fired last month. Considered one of the most active voices in reporting cases of harassment, abuse and abuse of Apple employees, she also publicly criticized the company.

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Gojovic was placed on forced administrative leave, barred from going to work, after posting tweets about alleged adverse conditions within the company. As a result, he was fired, accusing him of leaking confidential information.

Apple’s work environment has faced some turbulent times lately.Source: unsplash

However, the programmer said he believed his resignation was a form of retaliation due to complaints made earlier by Apple. So far, Big Tech has not commented on these cases involving the two former employees.

Originally emerged as a channel in the #AppleToo movement, Discord Around 500 complaints received in the first days after launch.

About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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