Apple Vs. Brings epic figures and mutual accusations to light…

Apple Vs.  Brings epic figures and mutual accusations to light…

Public litigation between Epic and Apple Already, interesting facts about the two companies and their products are beginning to be revealed, including the Fortnite game and Apple’s demonstrated profitability.

why is it important: The lawsuit, filed by Epic by Epic, began on Monday if it does not end with an agreement between the two companies, as is often the case in similar processes, either as the business model used by Apple in the App Store There will be a profound change in, or it will give even more authority to the American veteran.

From the first day of the trial, interesting figures emerged which the two companies threw against each other accusing each other of greed.

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Part of such information concerns the Fortnite game, which earned $ 9 billion in the first two years, with $ 5 billion generated only in 2018, the year of launch.

As with Epic’s official estimates of the other $ 3.6 billion earned in 2020, it can be estimated that in the first three years, Fortnite brought in $ 12.6 billion for Epic.

Epic does not disclose the individual performance of its products, but said it had a profit of $ 5.5 billion between 2018 and 2019.

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Even Epic’s lawyers did not agree, but alleged that Apple is too greedy and that App Store’s profit margin rose to 74.9% from a year earlier in 2019.

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Apple’s lawyers denied the information, saying it was based on a misscall.

The App Store benefits primarily from hosted revenue and 30% commission from advertising revenue (15% for revenue under $ 1 million per year) – Apple has opened only a second ad slot in its store.

On the other hand, Apple claims that it is less interested in the benefits of the App Store and is an element that has a role in driving sales of hardware products.

About the author: Seth Grace

"Social media trailblazer. Music junkie. Evil student. Introvert. Typical beer fan. Extreme web ninja. Tv fanatic. Total travel evangelist. Zombie guru."

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