Archaeologists discovered ‘Pompeii’ in Egypt. world

Archaeologists discovered ‘Pompeii’ in Egypt.  world

Archaeologists revealed on Thursday (9) that they had discovered the ruins of a city Egypt. The city was built 3,400 years ago under the reign of Amenhot III, one of the most powerful Pharaohs in Egyptian civilization.

Archaeologists discover a 3,400-year-old city in Egypt

The team was led by the Egyptian archaeologist Zahi Howas.

He began searching for a temple near Luxor in September, but within weeks he found the remains of buildings made of mud bricks in all directions.

He ended up finding a well-preserved city with almost complete walls and brick houses with tools, ceramics and stamps.

According to Hovas, some of the walls of the houses are three meters high.

The excavation took place on the west bank of Luxor near the temples of King Ramses II and the Valley of the Kings.

Peter Lakowara, director of the Ancient Egypt Archaeological and Heritage Fund based in the United States, said this is a very important discovery.

The state of preservation and the quantity of everyday objects are reminiscent of other well-known discoveries accordingly.

“It’s like an Egyptian Pompeii, and it shows the need to preserve the area as an archaeological park,” he said.

“The discovery of the location of manufacturing centers already opens up the details of what the Egyptians did under a large and prosperous ruler like Amenhot III,” she said. According to Bryan, the new excavation “will provide knowledge for many years”.

To the west of the city is the former labor village of Dir al-Madina, according to Havas. According to historical references, this was the place where the palaces and administrative and industrial centers of the reign of Amenhot III were.

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About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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